[R-sig-Geo] Universal Block Kriging covariate definition
Bruin, Sytze de
sytze.debruin at wur.nl
Thu Jan 14 12:35:39 CET 2016
Antonio Manuel Moreno Ródenas wrote:
> Thanks a lot Edzer,
> I'm not sure that would work.
> In that way I would transfer to the kriging function the averaged value
> of the covariate in the block. I'm not sure that would make the kriging
> behave correctly.
> All the points calculated with the prediction inside the block (and
> later averaged to give the block kriging prediction) will have as
> "drift" the average of the covariate in the block. Instead of getting
> the correct spatial variability inside the block (given by the
> covariate). At first sight it doesn't seems correct to me. Am I wrong?
I think so, when the operations (computing the drift, and block
averaging) are both linear, it does not matter in which order they are
carried out: f(g(x)) = g(f(x)).
It would be easy to verify by computing the universal point kriging
values and aggregating those. Try
> library(sp)
> demo(meuse, ask = FALSE, echo = FALSE)
> library(gstat)
> v = vgm(.5, "Sph", 900, .1)
> kr1 = krige(log(zinc)~dist, meuse, meuse.grid, v)
[using universal kriging]
> meuse.area$dist = aggregate(meuse.grid["dist"], meuse.area)[[1]]
> kr2 = krige(log(zinc)~dist, meuse, meuse.area, v)
[using universal kriging]
> kr2$kr1 = aggregate(kr1["var1.pred"], meuse.area)[[1]]
> kr2$var1.pred
[1] 5.687753
> kr2$kr1
[1] 5.685026
> kr2$var1.pred / kr2$kr1
[1] 1.00048
My guess is that the difference can be attributed to how the area is
discretized (see ?predict.gstat)
> kind regards
> Antonio Manuel Moreno Rodenas
> /Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher/
> /PhD Candidate/
> *T**U **Delft / Section Sanitary Engineering, office 4.64*____
> *Civil Engineering and Geoscience Faculty *
> T +31 15 278 14 62
> On 13 January 2016 at 14:43, Edzer Pebesma
> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>>
> wrote:
> On 13/01/16 14:16, Antonio Manuel Moreno Ródenas wrote:
> > Hello, I would like to rise a question on the use of predict {gstat},
> >
> > I'm trying to perform the estimation of a spatially distributed variable at
> > the support scale of a particular area (Block kriging). I have access to an
> > additional variable, it is known that the variable of interest is
> > correlated to the new variable. So I would be interested on updating my
> > estimation by the use of this new information. This could be done by the
> > use of a kriging with external drift (KED), but with a block support
> > (Universal Block kriging). Theoretically this is included in the gstat
> > library as mentioned in the documentation.
> >
> > The issue comes when I try to perform the prediction:
> >
> > blockprediction <- predict(gstat(formula=Variabletopredict~additionalVariable,
> > data=Observed, model=vgm), newdata = shapefile)
> >
> > The newdata argument should contain the prediction location. In a normal
> > KED we would include a dataframe with a grid (coordinates in which to
> > predict) and the values of the covariate (additionalVariable). As I'm
> > trying to use a universal block kriging, I understood the newdata should be
> > the region in which I'm interested to know the prediction, hence a polygon.
> > How could I include in newdata the values of the covariate if its
> > resolution is finer than my block?
> >
> > As far as I know, what block kriging does is to predict point values inside
> > the region (which I could specified with the argument sps.args
> > discretization), and later average them. But I don't know how to attach the
> > covariate values to the block of interest (shapefile).
> maybe by
> shapefile = aggregate(additionalVariable, shapefile, mean)
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > I hope I could explain it properly, but I will give more details if
> > necessary.
> > Kind regards,
> > Antonio
> >
> > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >
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> --
> Edzer Pebesma
> Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster
> Heisenbergstraße 2, 48149 Münster, Germany; +49 251 83 33081
> <tel:%2B49%20251%2083%2033081>
> Journal of Statistical Software: http://www.jstatsoft.org/
> Computers & Geosciences: http://elsevier.com/locate/cageo/
> Spatial Statistics Society http://www.spatialstatistics.info
I believe the residual variogram should then be computed using the covariate data at block support.
Sytze de Bruin
Wageningen University
Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing
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