[R-sig-Geo] "Islands" in spatial (area) analysis
Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Wolfgang, Prof. Dr.
ludwig-mayerhofer at soziologie.uni-siegen.de
Thu Aug 18 15:47:37 CEST 2016
Dear all,
I'm new to this list, and regrettably I have to introduce myself with a question which is not necessarily related to R, even though any R-related answer will also help (as I do my spatial analyses mostly with R).
My question is simply: Does anybody know a good (possibly systematic/comprehensive/dedicated/exhaustive) text about the role/problem of "islands", i.e. areas without neighbors, in (area data) spatial analysis? I know that some procedures don't run in the presence of islands, but others do (with the appropriate zero policies), but I'm not always sure whether this means that the results are really meaningful.
I can only occasionally find reference to the "island" problem in the literature (many texts, among which are VERY good texts like those by Bivand et al or Banerjee et al, seem to ignore it entirely), and what little I have found is very superficial (aside remarks etc.). Regrettably, a search on the Internet (such as "islands spatial analysis") is futile, as all you will get are tons of references to the Caribbean, Canary, tropic, Auckland ... you name it... islands.
So any suggestion as to where a more than casual treatment of the topic can be found would be very welcome.
Kind regards
Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer
Universität Siegen/University of Siegen
Philosophische Fakultät/Faculty of Arts
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2
57068 Siegen
Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer (2015): Arbeitsmarktpolitik aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht: Zur Spannung zwischen "Dekommodifizierung" und "Rekommodifizierung". In: Masuch, Peter et al. (Hrsg.): Grundlagen und Herausforderungen des Sozialstaats (Band2): Bundessozialgericht und Sozialstaatsforschung. Richterliche Wissensgewinnung und Wissenschaft, Berlin, S. 377-393.
Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Olaf Behrend (2015): Enforcing Mobility: Spatial Mobility Under the Regime of Activation, in: Mobilities, 10 (2), S. 326-343. DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2014.898930
Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer (2014): Bildung zwischen Individualisierung und Exklusion. In: Schneider, W. und Kraus, W. (Hrsg.): Individualisierung und die Legitimation sozialer Ungleichheit in der reflexiven Moderne. Opladen: Barbara Budrich, S. 167-192
Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Uta Liebeskind, Ferdinand Geißler (2014): Statistik. Eine Einführung für Sozialwissenschaftler, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 2014. http://www.beltz.de/produkt_produktdetails/8819-statistik.html
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