[R-sig-Geo] rgrass7 and snow
Roger Bivand
Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Fri Apr 22 20:50:33 CEST 2016
On Fri, 22 Apr 2016, Dr Didier G. Leibovici wrote:
> Yes but then how the clusters use a different one i.e. how did you write
> your initGRASS()
I think that if you play around with execGRASS(), you'll find that your
temporary location has a PERMANENT mapset, and a working mapset. Look at
the directory to which you pointed home=; those two directories should be
present. Maybe use list.files(). Then use execGRASS("g.mapset",
mapset="<new0>", flags="c") to create one and switch to it. I guess you'd
need as many new mapsets as cores, and a vector of mapset names. Remember
that you can use g.mapsets to see or change your mapset search path, and
you can use the @mapset notation for any vector or raster, so the nodes
can each have their own spaces. Maybe use g.copy to copy data out to nodes
to avoid race conditions if reading from the same GRASS database file by
multiple nodes.
It would be useful to have an example of what you need to do, simulation
being fairly obvious, but I think r.in.gdal will be problematic, better to
read once and copy out to the simulation mapsets by repeated g.copy. The
more limited the use of initGRASS on each core, probably the better.
Hope this helps,
> thanks
> On 22/04/2016 18:27, Rainer M Krug wrote:
>> "Dr Didier G. Leibovici" <didier.leibovici at nottingham.ac.uk> writes:
>>> can you paste the call to create n mapsets. thanks
>> You can create a mapset with
>> g.mapset -c mapset=THE_NAME_OF_THE_MAPSET
>> You can do this in a loop in an R script, or bash script - whatever you
>> are more familiar with.
>> Rainer
>>> On 22/04/2016 17:37, Rainer M Krug wrote:
>>> "Dr Didier G. Leibovici" <didier.leibovici at nottingham.ac.uk> writes:
>>> On 22/04/2016 16:21, Rainer M Krug wrote:
>>> Le vendredi 22 avril 2016, Dr Didier G. Leibovici <didier.leibovici at nottingham.ac.uk> a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> we are trying to use 'grass' in parallel programming with 'snow'
>>> The code does multiple simulations of a r.viewshed resampling the points
>>> generating the viewshed.
>>> (I guess the other solution would be to have an equivalent of r.viewshed
>>> in an R library or script) ...
>>> I think the problems are to do with the gisDbase ...
>>> Testing with 2 clusters we start with:
>>> > clusterCall(cl,initGRASS,"/usr/lib/grass70",home=getwd(),
>>> gisDbase="GRASS_TEMP", override=TRUE )
>>> [[1]]
>>> gisdbase GRASS_TEMP
>>> location file5edb6bf06d70
>>> mapset file5edb4b0cda81
>>> rows 1
>>> columns 1
>>> north 1
>>> south 0
>>> west 0
>>> east 1
>>> nsres 1
>>> ewres 1
>>> projection NA
>>> [[2]]
>>> gisdbase GRASS_TEMP
>>> location file5edb6bf06d70
>>> mapset file5edb4b0cda81
>>> then read a DEM
>>> clusterCall(cl,execGRASS,"r.in.gdal", flags="o",
>>> parameters=list(input=baseDemFilename, output="DEM"))
>>> clusterCall(cl,execGRASS, "g.region", parameters=list(raster="DEM"))
>>> and then loop on the sampled points ... involving
>>> execGRASS("r.viewshed", parameters = list(input = "DEM", output =
>>> "cumulativeViewshed", max_distance=maxDistance, coordinates =
>>> as.integer(coords[i,])), flags = c("overwrite" , "b","quiet"))
>>> and cumulating the viewshed (reading the ouput using
>>> readRAST("cumulativeViewshed")), all this (loop over the points)within a
>>> function simul() called
>>> by a
>>> parSapply(cl,1:nDsimul,simul)
>>> Here is the error
>>> Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
>>> 2 nodes produced errors; first error: no such file:
>>> GRASS_TEMP/file5edb6bf06d70/file5edb4b0cda81/.tmp/geoprocessing/cumulativeViewshed
>>> Calls: parSapply ... clusterApply -> staticClusterApply ->
>>> checkForRemoteErrors
>>> any idea?
>>> The problem is likely that you are working in parallel in the same map set. I would suggest to use a separate Mauser for each parallel task to write to,
>>> read from a different map set which no parallel task is writing to, and finally, after all threads are finished, you can collect the results from each thread
>>> in one map set and delete the temporary map sets.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rainer
>>> Yes all the problem is there for each cluster to work on a separate GRASS_TEMP
>>> ( we have verified that it was running with I cl only!)
>>> Can we generate randomly the location or mapset so they will not collapse onto the same?
>>> I used a setup for parallel processing (simulating spread under
>>> different scenarios), where I had
>>> 1) one locaction in which everything happened, which contained:
>>> 2) one mapset which was read-only for each parallel task
>>> 3) one mapset for each task in which the results were written; this was
>>> a folder, which was created for each parallel task
>>> 4) one mapset into which the individual simulation tasks were analysed into.
>>> So finally, I had a mapset for each simulation, and one in which the
>>> analysis was.
>>> So yes, why shouldn't you be able to create a mapset per task? You can
>>> do it during the initialization by using GRASS.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Rainer
>>> DIdier
>>> thanks,
>>> DIdier
>>> --
>>> Dr Didier G. Leibovici
>>> d-d'ye ley-bow-v-c
>>> Senior Research Fellow
>>> Geocomputational Modelling & Geospatial Statistics
>>> Nottingham Geospatial Institute
>>> University of Nottingham, UK
>>> +44 (0)115 84 13924
>>> http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ngi/people/didier.leibovici
>>> Google+ didier.leibovici at gmail.com
>>> Skype didierleibovici
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>>> --
>>> Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
>>> Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
>>> Stellenbosch University
>>> South Africa
>>> Tel : +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
>>> Cell: +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
>>> Fax (F): +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44
>>> Fax (D): +49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44
>>> email: Rainer at krugs.de
>>> Skype: RMkrug
> --
> Dr Didier G. Leibovici
> d-d'ye ley-bow-v-c
> Senior Research Fellow
> Geocomputational Modelling & Geospatial Statistics
> Nottingham Geospatial Institute
> University of Nottingham, UK
> +44 (0)115 84 13924
> http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ngi/people/didier.leibovici
> Google+ didier.leibovici at gmail.com
> Skype didierleibovici
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Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
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e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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