[R-sig-Geo] Help: impact measures in spatial panel durbin model

Youba Ndiaye youba.ndiaye at dijon.inra.fr
Wed Apr 20 10:21:04 CEST 2016

Dear all,

I'm a Ph.D student  and I'm working on spatial econometrics approach.

I want to implement a static spatial durbin model  in R  with "splm"
function. But the particular case of my model is that my durbin model is
partial such as:  
y = rho.Wy + X.beta + WZ.theta + epsilon   

X and Z are vectors of explanatory variables with respectively (N,k) and
(N, m) dimensions. k>m. In orders words, the Z is a spatially lagged subset
of X.

My aim is to calculate properly impact measures of this model in R.

Thank You in advance.
Best regards.

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