[R-sig-Geo] Package MODIS error in runMrt( ) and getHdf - 'Problems with online connections try a little later'

Pedro Apablaza Bastías pedroapablazabastias at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 17:18:19 CEST 2015

good morning friends

Dear : In summary , I have the following problem, I want to validate the
spherical , exponential and gaussian semivariogram models for Which it
has-been made ​​a Box - Cox transformation to the original the data. Can
anyone give me an example of how it Should write the script for the
following example xvalid ???

variograma <- variog(D, max.dist=200, uvec=30, lambda=0.14146,

ini.vals_amarillo <- expand.grid(seq(0, 120, by=0.25), seq(0, 40, by=0.2))

vario.wls <- variofit(variograma, ini = ini.vals_amarillo, cov.model =
"spherical", fix.nugget = FALSE, nugget = 50, weights = "cressie")

xv.wls <- xvalid(.......................................................)


he probado, pero ninguna de las siguientes lineas ha resultado, enuncio
algunas de ellas:


xv.wls1 <- xvalid(D, model = vario.wls)

xv.wls1 <- xvalid(D, coords = D$coords, data = D$data, model = vario.wls)

xv.wls1 <- xvalid(D, coords = D$coords, data = D$data+1, model = vario.wls)

xv.wls1 <- xvalid(D, coords = D$coords, data = D$data+1, model = vario.wls,
reestimate=true,   +vario.obj=variograma)

xv.wls1 <- xvalid(D, coords = D$coords, data = D$data+1, model = vario.wls,
reestimate=true,   +vario.obj=variograma), ini = ini.vals_amarillo,
cov.model = "gaussian", fix.nugget = FALSE, nugget = 50, weights =

but does not run properly


All this led me to the following idea:

if transform matrix D ( in other words, the data transformed by boxcox data
= D$data and call the new matrix Dt then :

variograma_t <- variog(Dt, max.dist=200, uvec=30, estimator.type="modulus")

It should be the same as:

variograma <- variog(D, max.dist=200, uvec=30, lambda=0.14146,
estimator.type="modulus") # LA MATRIZ ORIGINAL aplicando TRANSFORMACION

but it turns out not, someone can explain me why ??????

l so that it would expect the following expressions give me the same result:

vario.wls <- variofit(variograma, ini = ini.vals_amarillo, cov.model =
"spherical", fix.nugget = FALSE, nugget = 50, weights = "cressie")

vario.wls_t <- variofit(variograma_t, ini = ini.vals_amarillo, cov.model =
"spherical", fix.nugget = FALSE, nugget = 50, weights = "cressie")

I appreciate any feedback and help


2015-09-30 11:49 GMT-03:00 Marsik,Matthew P <mmarsik at ufl.edu>:

> Hello
> I am having trouble running the function runMrt from the package MODIS.
> This was working as of last Friday morning, 25 Sept. I've done Google
> searches for help
> (
> https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=r-modis+%22Problems+with+online+connections%22),
> with no success. Any help would be appreciated!
> I have a time series of downloaded MODIS MOD13Q1 hdfs from 2000-2014 for
> tiles h=09-12, v=05-06 for the southeastern US and stored on a networked
> drive. I want to process them
> clipping to a spatial extent and project them into Albers USGS for the
> conterminous US with a pixel size of 250 meters. I've set my localArcPath
> to the networked drive
> containing the MOD13Q1 hdf files, and the outDirPath to my local
> computer's C drive. I've specified the following MODISoptions:
> MODIS:::MODISoptions(localArcPath = modis_archive_path, outDirPath =
> modis_out_path, systemwide=FALSE, save=FALSE, stubbornness=1)
> When I execute the following runMrt() function
> runMrt(job=job, product=product,
>                                 begin=begin,
>                                 end=end,
>                                 localArcPath=modis_archive_path,
>                                 outDirPath=modis_out_path,
>                                 extent=extent(boundary),
>                                 SDSstring=out_SDSstring,
>                                 outProj='AEA',
>                                 projPara='6378137.0 6356752.314140356 29.5
> 45.5 96.0 23.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0',
>                                 datum='NAD83',
>                                 pixelSize=out_pixel,
>                                 resamplingType=resample,
>                                 stubbornness=stubbornness)
> I receive an error with getHdf noting there is an error with the online
> connection:
> Output projection: Albers Equal Area
> Output pixel size: 250
> Resampling method: nn
> Output projection parameters specified!
> Using:
>   6378137.0 6356752.314140356 29.5 45.5 96.0 23.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> Error in MODIS:::getHdf(product = opts$product$PRODUCT[z], collection =
> strsplit(todo[u],  :
>   Problems with online connections try a little later
> In addition: Warning message:
> In dir.create(outDir) :
>   'R:\MACROS~1\Data\M2ENLS~L\M7L986~Z\data\M248XV~A\PMS9ML~B\\SEUS'
> already exists
> > [1] "Elapsed Time: 4.32000000000016 seconds"
> The following are my R session specifications:
> R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
> RCurl_1.95-4.7
> bitops_1.0-6
> rgeos_0.3-11
> rgdal_1.0-6
> MODIS_0.10-18
> raster_2.4-18
> sp_1.1-1
> regards,
> Matthew Marsik, PhD
> Research Scientist
> Land Use and Environmental
> Change Institute (LUECI)
> 3141 Turlington Hall
> Gainesville, FL 32611
> Email: mmarsik at ufl.edu
> Tel: 352-294-7604
> Web: lueci.clas.ufl.edu
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Pedro Apablaza Bastias
Pontificia Universidad de Valparaíso

Master en Gestión de Areas Litorales
Universidad de Cádiz

Fono: 82960872

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