[R-sig-Geo] making wrld_simpl longitude borders something other than (-180, 180)

Nick Matzke matzke at nimbios.org
Fri Sep 25 09:08:55 CEST 2015

Hi all,

Thanks for all of the help!  I just wanted to follow-up and post the code
that ended up for my purposes.  (Also, this may help my future self find
the code again in a few years.)

If you want to see the graphic, see: http://phylo.wikidot.com/biogeonick

Cheers, Nick


# Make a map of Nick Matzke's world travels
# Using: http://www.latlong.net/

# Plot Great Circle paths:
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2015-June/023032.html
library(gdata)    # for read.xls
library(maptools) # for e.g. wrld_simpl
library(rgdal)      # for e.g.
library(gpclib)   # for polygon clipping
library(fields)      # for colorbar.plot

wd = "/drives/GDrive/Matzke_PhD_docs/CV/_graphics/Matzke_map/"

xlsfn = "_Matzke_where_Ive_been_v1.xlsx"
xls = read.xls(xlsfn, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

long_offset = -70

pdffn = "Matzke_map_v1.pdf"
pdf(file=pdffn, width=12, height=6)

data(wrld_simpl) #The world as a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#To avoid the lines crossing the map after reprojection we need to cut
the polygons at the new break:
w <- nowrapRecenter(wrld_simpl, offset = 180+long_offset, avoidGEOS=TRUE)
#Then proceed with the reprojection (note the proj4 string for a
mollweide projection with 150°E as the new center)
CRS_string = paste0("+proj=robin +lon_0=", long_offset)
wrld_reCentered <- spTransform(w, CRS(CRS_string))
#wrld_reCentered2 <- spTransform(wrld_reCentered, CRS("+proj=longlat

# Color countries by visiting
country_names = setNames(rep("white", length(wrld_simpl$NAME)), wrld_simpl$NAME)
country_colors <- setNames(rep("white", length(wrld_simpl$NAME)),
countries_visited = c("Germany",
"United States",
"United Kingdom",
"United Republic of Tanzania",
"South Africa",
"New Zealand",
"French Guiana",

country_colors[countries_visited] = rep("grey70",

plot(wrld_reCentered, border="grey40", lwd=0.5, col=country_colors)

xls_original = xls
xls$latitude = jitter(xls$latitude)
xls$longitude = jitter(xls$longitude)

cols_for_lines = rainbow(n=nrow(xls))
for (i in 2:nrow(xls))
    point1 = c(xls$longitude[i-1], xls$latitude[i-1])
    point2 = c(xls$longitude[i], xls$latitude[i])
    names(point1) = c("x","y")
    names(point2) = c("x","y")

    path = gcIntermediate(p1=point1, p2=point2, n=200,
addStartEnd=TRUE, breakAtDateLine=TRUE)

    if (is.null(dim(path)) == FALSE)
        L1 = Line(path)
        Ls1 = Lines(L1, ID="a")
        SL1 = SpatialLines(list(Ls1), proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
        #plot(SL1, add=TRUE)

        lw <- nowrapSpatialLines(SL1, offset = 180+long_offset)
        #Then proceed with the reprojection (note the proj4 string for
a mollweide projection with 150°E as the new center)
        lwrld_reCentered <- spTransform(lw, CRS(CRS_string))
        plot(lwrld_reCentered, add=TRUE, col=cols_for_lines[i], lwd=2)

        #lines(sppoints, col=cols_for_lines[i])
        #path = coordinates(path)
        #sppoints = SpatialPoints(coords=path,
proj4string=CRS("+proj=robin +lon_0=-80"))
        #points(sppoints, col=cols_for_lines[i], add=TRUE)

    if (is.null(dim(path)) == TRUE)
        for (j in 1:length(path))
            path2 = path[[j]]
            #sppoints = SpatialPoints(coords=path2,
proj4string=CRS("+proj=robin +lon_0=-80"))
            #points(sppoints, col=cols_for_lines[i], add=TRUE)
            #lines(sppoints, col=cols_for_lines[i])
            L1 = Line(path2)
            Ls1 = Lines(L1, ID="a")
            SL1 = SpatialLines(list(Ls1), proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
            lw <- nowrapSpatialLines(SL1, offset = 180+long_offset)
            #Then proceed with the reprojection (note the proj4 string
for a mollweide projection with 150°E as the new center)
            lwrld_reCentered <- spTransform(lw, CRS(CRS_string))
            plot(lwrld_reCentered, add=TRUE, col=cols_for_lines[i], lwd=2)
    } # END for (i in 2:nrow(xls))

plot(0,0, pch=".", col="white", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1))
stripvals <- ( 1:100)
colorbar.plot(x=0.5, y=0.5, strip=y, horizontal=FALSE)

cmdstr = paste0("open ", pdffn)


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 6:58 PM, englishchristophera at gmail.com <
englishchristophera at gmail.com> wrote:

> There is the minus sign part to enter. Though knowing what you are
> ultimately seeking would help clarify. That being said- dancing around the
> dateline is conspicuous for the difficulties that can present.Chris
> ------ Original message------From: Nick MatzkeDate: Mon, Sep 14, 2015 7:47
> AMTo: Frede Aakmann Tøgersen;Cc: r-sig-geo at stat.math.ethz.ch;Subject:Re:
> [R-sig-Geo] making wrld_simpl longitude borders something other than (-180,
> 180)
> Apologies, I got my wires crossed.What I meant was, how would I make a map
> where the left edge was atlongitude 100 (e.g. Thailand), and the right edge
> is at, say 99(again Thailand).  The Pacific Ocean, and the International
> Dateline, wouldbe in the middle of this map.I tried the obvious
> thing:plot(wrld_simpl, xlim = c(100, 99))...but that produces a flipped
> map...Cheers!NickOn Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
> wrote:> Hi Nick>> To be honest I do not understand your question so I am
> guessing that you> probably only need to set the xlim to c(-100, 100). Here
> is an example:>> > data(wrld_simpl)> > plot(wrld_simpl)> > plot(wrld_simpl,
> xlim = c(-100, 100))>> Why would one wants to redefine the longitudes from
> the interval (-180,> 180) to (-100, 100)?>>> Yours sincerely / Med venlig
> hilsen>> Frede Aakmann Tøgersen> Specialist, M.Sc., Ph.D.> Plant
> Performance & Modeling>> Technology & Service Solutions> T +45 9730 5135> M
> +45 2547 6050> frtog at vestas.com> http://www.vestas.com>> Company reg.
> name: Vestas Wind Systems A/S> This e-mail is subject to our e-mail
> disclaimer statement.> Please refer to www.vestas.com/legal/notice> If
> you have received this e-mail in error please contact the sender.>>>
> -----Original Message-----> From: R-sig-Geo [mailto:
> r-sig-geo-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of> Nick Matzke> Sent: 14.
> september 2015 06:51> To: r-sig-geo at stat.math.ethz.ch> Subject:
> [R-sig-Geo] making wrld_simpl longitude borders something other> than
> (-180, 180)>> Hi all,>> I would like to plot wrld_simpl, but have the left
> and right edges of the> map be at something like 100 degrees longitude,
> rather than (-180, 180).>> I tried messing with the bounding box with no
> luck.>> I can imagine something like burrowing into the object and
> subtracting 80> degrees from all the longitudes, but I suspect there must
> be a better way?>> Any help appreciated!> Nick>>         [[alternative HTML
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