[R-sig-Geo] how to read in R a big raster of about 6 Gb

Massimo Bressan mbressan at arpa.veneto.it
Thu Oct 15 18:31:20 CEST 2015

hi, thanks for your prompt reply

in fact by using raster() funciontion "reading" DEM is quite fast and
also reading the polygons by readOGR() went quite smooth...

the problem then come with the extract() function that is taking definitely too

I'm not quite sure I'm completely grasping your hint about
 values(DEM) <- 1:ncell(DEM)
for speeding up the process

please also consider that the SpatialPolygonDataFrame that I readOGR() has 23 fields;
I need finally to associate the DEM values with the levels represented by one of these fields:
do you think is a good idea eliminating the not necessary fields?


Il giorno Thu, 15/10/2015 alle 09.26 -0600, Dominik Schneider ha
> You can use the raster package,  which will leave the values on disk
> if they are too big for memory.
> Use the function raster() to read the DEM, then use readOGR() to read
> the polygon shape file. You can then use extract() to get statistics
> on your DEM. I'm guessing it'll take a while to extract from disk, so
> if you are planning to extract multiple times, you should consider
> copying your DEM and setting the values equal to the cell numbers with
> values(DEM) <- 1:ncell(DEM).  Extract this once, keep track of which
> cell numbers are in which polygon and then use the cell numbers to
> index the DEM when you need values by polygon.
> Hope this helps,
> Dominik
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 9:07 AM, Massimo Bressan
> <mbressan at arpa.veneto.it> wrote:
>         hi all
>         I need to perform a zonal statistics by overlapping a DEM
>         raster (ESRI
>         grid binary) with some polygons (ESRI polygons);
>         the problem is that I first of all need to read the raster,
>         which is
>         quite big: about 6 Gbyte;
>         I know about the function readGDAL() by the fantastic package
>         "rgdal"
>         which is usually working very well with smaller size files but
>         this time
>         I got completely stuck (the pc freezes invariably)
>         do you have any advice on how to deal with such a problem (big
>         file)?
>         thank you
>         regards
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