[R-sig-Geo] FW: Short course "Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Models with R-INLA"
Virgilio.Gomez at uclm.es
Tue Oct 13 16:17:01 CEST 2015
I believe that this course may be of interest to some of the people following this list.
Short course "Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Models with R-INLA"
12-15 January 2016
University of Bergamo (Italy)
Dr. M. Blangiardo - Imperial College London (www.imperial.ac.uk/people/m.blangiardo)
Dr. M. Cameletti - Università di Bergamo (www.unibg.it/pers/?michela.cameletti)
Dr. V. Gómez Rubio - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (www.uclm.es/profesorado/vgomez)
The course aims at providing an introduction to Bayesian analysis for spatial and spatio-temporal modelling using the R software and R-INLA.
The first day of the course will be dedicated to standard spatial analysis with R for different types of data: this includes data import/export, data management and visualisation for geostatistical, area and point pattern data.
In the following days the theoretical aspects of the Bayesian approach will be introduced, with a particular focus on spatial and spatio-temporal models and on the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA, www.r-inla.org) approach, which has proven to be a valid alternative to the commonly used Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations. A particular emphasis will be given on examples of applied analysis using the R-INLA package.
The course timetable is a mixture of lectures and computer practicals based on the following two books:
- Applied spatial data analysis with R (www.asdar-book.org)
- Spatial and spatio-temporal Bayesian models with R-INLA (sites.google.com/a/r-inla.org/stbook)
Course fee
The course fee is 200 Euro for PhD students, 300 Euro for Academia / Public sector and 500 Euro for Private Sector. The fee includes course material, coffee breaks, lunches and the social dinner.
For further information and the registration form, please visit the following webpage
Best wishes,
Michela Cameletti
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