[R-sig-Geo] Time series in spatial regression model (spautolm)

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Sat Oct 10 15:11:17 CEST 2015

You cross-posted to this list and r-help - never do that - it splinters 
any replies. I have chosen to ignore your r-help posting and hope that 
others will do the same.

On Fri, 9 Oct 2015, Tobias Rüttenauer wrote:

> Dear r-sig-geo team,
> I started working with spatial analysis some month ago, so I'm quite new
> (and unknowing ) in this field. However, my aim is to connect time series
> analysis with spatial analysis, what seems to be quite difficult (to me).

Why are you not using the splm package, which provides most of the models 
you might ever need to fit? Your manipulation of the weights matrix by 
years is a Kronecker product - used in that package. Study the plm package 
first, run your model aspatially with that, and move on to splm.


> The dataset I am working with a spatial polygons data frame, containing 402
> spatial polygons for the years 2007-2011.
> In a first step, I want to estimate a SAR model which accounts only for the
> spatial autoregressive error term within a year. So what I am basically
> trying is to construct a weights list object, containing only weights for
> neighbors in the same year (excluding the linkages to the "self" spatial
> unit (in different years) and neighboring units in different years). So what
> I tried was to expand the original weights matrix by duplicating the
> original matrix on the main diagonal while filling all the other linkages
> (e.g. linkages between 2007 spatial units and 2008 spatial units) with zero
> by the following code:
> # Queens links:
>> data.nb<-poly2nb(data_subset.spdf)
>> # Remove temporal links
>> data2.nb<-aggregate(data.nb, data_subset.spdf$id, remove.self = TRUE)
>> # Get matrix
>> tmp.mat<-nb2mat(data2.nb)
>> # Expand matrix
>> zero1.mat<-matrix(0, 402, 402)
>> zero2.mat<-matrix(0, 402, 402)
>> zero3.mat<-matrix(0, 402, 402)
>> zero4.mat<-matrix(0, 402, 402)
>> zero5.mat<-matrix(0, 402, 402)
>> tmp2.mat<-tmp.mat
>> tmp3.mat<-tmp.mat
>> tmp4.mat<-tmp.mat
>> tmp5.mat<-tmp.mat
>> row.names(zero1.mat)<-paste("2007", as.numeric(row.names(tmp.mat)),
>> sep="_") row.names(zero2.mat)<-paste("2008",
>> as.numeric(row.names(tmp.mat)), sep="_")
>> row.names(zero3.mat)<-paste("2009", as.numeric(row.names(tmp.mat)),
>> sep="_") row.names(zero4.mat)<-paste("2010",
>> as.numeric(row.names(tmp.mat)), sep="_")
>> row.names(zero5.mat)<-paste("2011", as.numeric(row.names(tmp.mat)),
>> sep="_")
>> row.names(tmp.mat)<-paste("2007", as.numeric(row.names(tmp2.mat)),
>> sep="_") row.names(tmp2.mat)<-paste("2008",
>> as.numeric(row.names(tmp2.mat)), sep="_")
>> row.names(tmp3.mat)<-paste("2009", as.numeric(row.names(tmp3.mat)),
>> sep="_") row.names(tmp4.mat)<-paste("2010",
>> as.numeric(row.names(tmp4.mat)), sep="_")
>> row.names(tmp5.mat)<-paste("2011", as.numeric(row.names(tmp5.mat)),
>> sep="_")
>> tmp1<-rbind(tmp.mat, zero2.mat, zero3.mat, zero4.mat, zero5.mat)
>> tmp2<-rbind(zero1.mat, tmp2.mat, zero3.mat, zero4.mat, zero5.mat)
>> tmp3<-rbind(zero1.mat, zero2.mat, tmp3.mat, zero4.mat, zero5.mat)
>> tmp4<-rbind(zero1.mat, zero2.mat, zero3.mat, tmp4.mat, zero5.mat)
>> tmp5<-rbind(zero1.mat, zero2.mat, zero3.mat, zero4.mat, tmp5.mat)
>> nb.mat<-cbind(tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5)
>> data_sub.lw<-mat2listw(data.matrix(nb.mat))
>> any(is.na(nb.mat))
> [1] FALSE
> So I get a weights list object including 2010 observations (5 years with 402
> observations, which fits the spatial polygon data frame with 2010
> observations), but after running a spautolm model, I get the following error
> message:
>> spreg.mod<-spautolm(sqrt(fortzuege_gem) ~ v1 + v2,
> +                 data=data_subset.spdf, listw=data_sub.lw,
> weights=area_sqkm,
> +                 zero.policy=TRUE)
> Error in subset.listw(listw, subset, zero.policy = zero.policy) :
>  Not yet able to subset general weights lists
> Elsewhere, it is mentioned that this error messages occurs if the weights
> matrix contains missing values, but that's not the case here. I assume that
> there is some mistake in creating the weights matrix. Do you have any ideas?
> Another thing I was trying to estimate is a SAR model with unit fixed
> effects, just by including the id dummies into the equation (for the test I
> include the total list weights objects, containing all linkages).
>> data_total.nb<-poly2nb(data_subset.spdf)
>> data_total.lw<-nb2listw(data.nb, style="W")
>> spreg_false.mod<-spautolm(sqrt(fortzuege_gem) ~ id  + v1 + v2,
> +                     data=data_subset.spdf, listw=data_total.lw,
> weights=area_sqkm,
> +                     zero.policy=TRUE)
> Error in solve.default(crossprod(X, as.matrix(IlW %*% X)), tol = tol.solve)
> :
>  system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =
> 1.01026e-16
> So I assume there occurs some conflict, between using ID dummies and a
> weights matrix in one model? Is there any way to solve this problem? This
> may be a stupid question for some who is (totally) aware of the mathematics
> behind the model.
> I would be really happy about any help!
> Thank you in advance and best wishes,
> Tobi
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Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 91 00
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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