[R-sig-Geo] Match polygon and dataframe IDs after raster::extract

Loïc Dutrieux loic.dutrieux at wur.nl
Thu Nov 19 14:37:20 CET 2015

Hi all,

I'm trying to look at correlation between two raster layers, for 
different polygons. So I use raster::extract to get all the raster 
values for every polygon, do the calculation and feed the output back to 
a SpatialPolygonDataFrame.
I got it working, but I have a doubt regarding the order of the rows; 
and it doesn't look like I can use match.ID = TRUE.

See the example below.


# Create brick with 2 layers
b <- brick(ncol=36, nrow=18, nl=2)
b[[1]] <- rnorm(ncell(b))
b[[2]] <- rnorm(ncell(b))

# Create sp
cds1 <- rbind(c(-180,-20), c(-160,5), c(-60, 0), c(-160,-60), c(-180,-20))
cds2 <- rbind(c(80,0), c(100,60), c(120,0), c(120,-55), c(80,0))
cds3 <- rbind(c(-10,20), c(50,60), c(70,-10))
polys <- spPolygons(cds1, cds2, cds3)

# Extract all values
df0 <- extract(b, polys, df = TRUE)

# Compute correlation betwen the two layers for every polygons (sorry 
for the pipe)
df1 <- group_by(df0, ID) %>%
   summarise(cor = cor(layer.1, layer.2)) %>%

# Attach to df to spdf
spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(polys, df1)

How do I know for sure that the order of the rows in the dataframe did 
not get mixed up? Can I just assume that they will remain in the same order?

The dataframe returned by extract has an ID column, but the IDs do not 
correspond to the polygons IDs. For instance if I remove the second 
polygon (which has the ID "2"), the IDs in the df extracted are still 1 
and 2 (instead of 1 and 3).

# Quick function to get polygons IDs
getPolyID <- function(x) {
   sapply(x at polygons, function(x) {x at ID} )

# [1] "1" "2" "3"
# [1] "1" "3"

unique(extract(b, polys[-2], df = TRUE)$ID)
# [1] 1 2

Any suggestions?


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