[R-sig-Geo] gstat::krige() - regression kriging vs. kriging with external drift

Bede-Fazekas Ákos bfalevlist at gmail.com
Sat Nov 14 17:32:09 CET 2015

Dear List, dear Edzer,
is it correct if I use the term "regression kriging" when I run this
kriged_value <- gstat::krige(z ~ x + y, [...])@data$var1.pred

Or should I call it "kriging with external drift" (or "universal kriging" if
x and y are coordinates), and use the term "regression kriging" only in the
case of running this?:
linear_model <- lm(z ~ x + y, [...])
residuals <- linear_model$residuals
kriged_residuals <- gstat::krige(residuals ~ 1, [...])@data$var1.pred
kriged_value <- linear_model$fitted.values + kriged_residuals

Thank you in advance,
Ákos Bede-Fazekas
Budapest, Hungary

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