[R-sig-Geo] summing rasters with a condition given by other rasters

Éder Comunello comunello.eder at gmail.com
Mon May 18 17:22:54 CEST 2015

Hello, Martin!

Did you try use mean() function with "na.rm=T" argument?

Éder Comunello <c <comunello.eder at gmail.com>omunello.eder at gmail.com>
Dourados, MS - [22 16.5'S, 54 49'W]

2015-05-17 7:10 GMT-04:00 Martin Brandt <martin.brandt at mailbox.org>:

> There's another issue:
> using Ben's great function:
> sum_segment <- function(x, ...) {
> sum(x[(x[1]+2):(x[2] + 2)],...)
> }
> what to do if the rasters in the brick contain NA values?
> I thought about replacing them with 0:
> b <- reclassify(b, cbind(NA, 0))
> however, if I want means instead of sums
> sum_segment <- function(x, ...) {
> mean(x[(x[1]+2):(x[2] + 2)],...)
> }
> this influences the result.....is there a solution to simply omit pixels
> with NAs when the mean or sum in the function are calculated?
> --
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