[R-sig-Geo] gbif error message in package dismo

Mark van Kleunen mark.vankleunen at uni-konstanz.de
Sat May 16 12:48:05 CEST 2015


I am trying to use the gbif function to download GBIF records. Half a year
ago, this function worked without any problems, but now I get an error
message that I do not understand. I am using R3.2 for Windows and downloaded
the latest dismo version. If I use the example syntax provided by ?gbif, the
following error message appears.

> gs <- gbif('Batrachoseps', 'luciae', sp=TRUE)

Loading required namespace: jsonlite
0-300-600-900-1200-1500-1800-1928 records
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  :
   unable to find an inherited method for function ‘bind’ for signature
‘"data.frame", "data.frame"’
A Google search for this error message did not reveal anything useful. Does
anyone know how to solve this problem?

best wishes,

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