[R-sig-Geo] Inverse distance weighting in 3 dimension using gstat package
Edzer Pebesma
edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de
Wed Jan 7 09:30:46 CET 2015
3D interpolation projected on irregular 2D is always somewhat tricky to
comprehend. After looking at the plot, I tried:
> library(sp)
> pts = SpatialPoints(mastCFD[c("x", "y")])
> grd = cfd
> gridded(grd) = ~x+y
> over(pts,grd)
z vxymag aspZ Ainterp
1 877.9992 11.70016 75491.32 4.700857
2 902.3500 13.44538 77585.03 4.669962
> mastCFD
x y z mast A aspZ
1 586987 1566348 788.82 MASTBenakanahalli1_78_0m___Ch2 4.766 67823.60
2 591592 1562582 808.44 MASTBenakanahalli2_78_0m___Ch2 4.622 69510.55
and wondered why mastCFD$z is different from the cfd$z values at the
corresponding locations.
On 01/07/2015 07:31 AM, Frede Aakmann Tøgersen wrote:
> Hi
> Anyone got experiences with interpolation in 3 dimensions?
> I am doing some inverse distance interpolation in 3 dimensions using the gstat package. The interpolation is based on observation at few locations (here only 2) and this is why I'm using IDW. The 3rd dimension is a scaled version of height above sea level. The parameter A physically increase by increasing height but not following any linear model. An png file of an IDW interpolation of a parameter, A, to a 25 by 25 meter regular grid can be downloaded from https://www.dropbox.com/s/ilp4npzdhew48i6/Ainterp.png?dl=0. As you can see the interpolated values to a large extent follows the height contours of the region as wanted. But there are anomalies around the mast called "mast_1" in the upper left corner where the parameter A has higher values down-slope than at the top of the hill and further down-slope. Some sort of a ripple or wave effect.
> Is this to be expected from IDW interpolation or am I doing something wrong? Your help is much appreciated.
> The data can be downloaded from https://www.dropbox.com/s/ia2czqckdbjtla0/mastCFD.csv?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpqt9745onlw7v0/cfd.csv?dl=0.
> Here is my R code for doing the interpolation.
> ### R script
> library(lattice)
> library(gstat)
> mastCFD <- read.table("mastCFD.csv", h = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ".")
> cfd <- read.table("cfd.csv", h = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ".")
> mastCFD.gstat <- gstat(id = "A", formula = A ~ 1, locations = ~ x + y + aspZ, data = mastCFD, set = list(idp = 2))
> mastCFDscale <- predict(mastCFD.gstat, cfd[,c("x","y", "aspZ")], debug.level = 0)
> cfd[,"Ainterp"] <- mastCFDscale$A.pred
> png("Ainterp.png", width = 1800, height = 900)
> levelplot(Ainterp ~ x*y, data = cfd, aspect = myasp,
> panel = function(x,y,z,subscripts,...){
> panel.levelplot(x,y,z,subscripts,...)
> panel.contourplot(cfd$x, cfd$y, cfd$z, subscripts, region=FALSE,
> contour=TRUE, at=pretty(cfd$z,10),
> lwd=.3, labels = list(cex = 1))
> panel.points(mastCFD$x, mastCFD$y, pch=19,col ="black", cex=1.1*1.5,lwd=.3)
> panel.points(mastCFD$x, mastCFD$y, pch=19, col ="red",cex=0.4*1.5)
> }, col.regions = terrain.colors,
> ylab = "Northings (m)", xlab = "Eastings (m)")
> dev.off()
> Yours sincerely / Med venlig hilsen
> Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
> Specialist, M.Sc., Ph.D.
> Plant Performance & Modeling
> Technology & Service Solutions
> T +45 9730 5135
> M +45 2547 6050
> frtog at vestas.com
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