[R-sig-Geo] writeRaster does not preserve names when writing to NetCDF

dschneiderch Dominik.Schneider at colorado.edu
Fri Feb 6 18:32:14 CET 2015

I was running into this problem and wondering if there was any progress?
As a workaround, I was trying to add an attribute to my variable using
ncput_att but it doesn't show more than 1 (no warning was shown that only 1
could be accepted and the min/max attributes have a value for each layer).


writeRaster(s,filename='~/Desktop/test.nc', format='CDF', varname='swe',
varunit='meters', xname='long', xunit='deg', yname='lat', yunit='deg',
zname='time', zunit='day', overwrite=T, NAflag=-99)

#Note the names of the written stack are generic.
#Now I try to add an attribute to the swe variable in the file so I can
retrieve later but it only lists the first name

File ~/Desktop/test.nc (NC_FORMAT_CLASSIC):

     1 variables (excluding dimension variables):
        float swe[long,lat,time]   
            units: meters
            _FillValue: -99
            missing_value: -99
            long_name: swe
            min: 0.0572868520393968
             min: 0.1845921901986
            max: 0.852122258627787
             max: 0.772868746891618
            dates: X20120101

     3 dimensions:
        long  Size:3
            units: degrees_east
            long_name: long
        lat  Size:3
            units: degrees_north
            long_name: lat
        time  Size:2   *** is unlimited ***
            units: day
            long_name: time

    3 global attributes:
        Conventions: CF-1.4
        created_by: R, packages ncdf and raster (version 2.3-24)
        date: 2015-02-06 10:18:51

Could that be a bug in ncatt_put? Or, are there any suggestions for storing
irregular spatial-temporal data (consistent spatial grid, but inconsistent
time slices that therefore require some annotation about the date)

View this message in context: http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.nabble.com/writeRaster-does-not-preserve-names-when-writing-to-NetCDF-tp7586909p7587744.html
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