[R-sig-Geo] Spatialpolygonsdataframe

Loïc Dutrieux loic.dutrieux at wur.nl
Tue Aug 18 10:31:20 CEST 2015


Have a look at merge in the sp package.


On 08/18/2015 04:12 AM, Metastate Metastate wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am starting to learn spatial analysis using R. Do anyone know if the
> attribute data in a spatialpolygonsdataframe can contain multiple
> observations within the same polygon? To be specific, I have a
> spatialpolygonsdataframe that contain USA county polygons and the relevant
> attribute data contains the relevant state,county and FIPs.  And I also
> have another data-frame that contains weather features by year by county
> (For example there are yearly average temperature for each county) . How
> can I join the spatialpolygondataframe with the weather data so that the
> resulted attribute table in the joint spatialpolygonsdataframe can contain
> *multiple-year* weather features within each county?
> Thank you very much for any kindly help.
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