[R-sig-Geo] over() in sp package

Edzer Pebesma edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de
Thu Apr 16 00:19:40 CEST 2015

On 04/14/2015 06:58 PM, Kenny Bell wrote:
> Thanks so much for all this. Yes, I'm after the area weighted averages. The
> eventual application is to aggregate a 2.5 arcminute temperature grid up to
> a zip-5 polygon, many of which overlap only 2-3 grid cells.

One approach would be to use spsample to resample the temperature to a
finer grid, then use aggregate.

Another approach would be to convert the grid to SpatialPolygons, and
then use the function below, which should do exact area weighting. Let
me know if it works, or if you have other comments / questions.

aggregatePoly = function(x, by) {
	i = gIntersection(x, by, byid = TRUE)
	ids.i = sapply(i at polygons, function(x) slot(x, name = "ID"))
	grp_by = sapply(strsplit(ids.i, " "), function(x) x[2])

	obs = over(SpatialPoints(coordinates(i)), x)
	obs$area = sapply(i at polygons, function(x)
		slot(x, name = "area"))
	obs$x_area = obs[[1]] * obs$area
	agg = aggregate(obs[c("x_area", "area")], list(grp_by), sum)
	agg$value = with(agg, x_area / area)
	agg = agg[match(row.names(by), agg$Group.1),]
	row.names(agg) = row.names(by)
	SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(by, agg)

# Example with two partly overlapping grids:

gt1 = SpatialGrid(GridTopology(c(0,0), c(1,1), c(4,4)))
gt2 = SpatialGrid(GridTopology(c(-1.25,-1.25), c(1,1), c(4,4)))

# convert both to polygons; give p1 attributes to aggregate
p1 = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(as(gt1, "SpatialPolygons"),
		data.frame(v = 1:16), match.ID = FALSE)
p2 = as(gt2, "SpatialPolygons")

# plot the scene:
plot(p1, xlim = c(-2,4), ylim = c(-2,4))
plot(p2, add = TRUE, border = 'red')
i = gIntersection(p1, p2, byid = TRUE)
plot(i, add=TRUE, density = 5, col = 'blue')
# plot IDs p2:
ids.p2 = sapply(p2 at polygons, function(x) slot(x, name = "ID"))
text(coordinates(p2), ids.p2)
# plot IDs i:
ids.i = sapply(i at polygons, function(x) slot(x, name = "ID"))
text(coordinates(i), ids.i, cex = .8, col = 'blue')

# compute & plot area-weighted average of p1[[1]]
ret = aggregatePoly(p1, p2)

> On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Edzer Pebesma <
> edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de> wrote:
>> On 04/14/2015 01:27 AM, Kenny Bell wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I call:
>>> over(spPolyDf, spGridDf)
>>> The function seems to be returning the spGridDf$band1 value for the first
>>> grid cell that is contained in each polygon.
>> This is documented; you can use returnList = TRUE to get the list of
>> values for each polygon. Since you want to aggregate these anyway, you
>> might as well use
>> aggregate(spGridDF, spPolyDf, mean)
>> this is gives a simple average of pixels whose centers fall inside the
>> polygons. Do you need a weighted average, weighted by how much of the
>> pixel overlaps with each polygon?
>>> What I would like is an overlap-area weighted average (or some provided
>>> function like sum) of all the grid cells contained (or partially
>> contained)
>>> in each polygon element of spPolyDf.
>>> I have code that does this by eventually using joinPolys() from
>> PBSMapping,
>>> but it's slow and would be much cleaner to have a sp-only solution. Is
>>> there any way to do this? Some example code is below:
>>> library(sp)
>>> library(rgdal)
>>> # Download a USA shapefile
>>> tmpFile <- tempfile()
>>> download.file("
>>> http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2013/cb_2013_us_state_20m.zip",
>>> destfile = tmpFile)
>>> unzipped <- unzip(zipfile = tmpFile, exdir = getwd())
>>> # This is the actual reading stage
>>> states <- readOGR(getwd(), layer="cb_2013_us_state_20m")
>>> # Remove all the files on disk
>>> file.remove(tmpFile)
>>> file.remove(unzipped)
>>> tmpFile <- tempfile()
>>> url <- paste0("http://www.prism.oregonstate.edu/fetchData.php?type",
>>>               "=bil&kind=recent&elem=tmax&range=daily&temporal=",
>>>               "20140416")
>>> # Download the file to fileName
>>> download.file(url = url, mode = "wb", destfile = tmpFile)
>>> # unzip the file to the working directory.
>>> unzippedFiles <- unzip(zipfile = tmpFile, overwrite = TRUE)
>>> # read into R
>>> tMaxGrid <- readGDAL(fname = unzippedFiles[1])
>>> # delete the file
>>> file.remove(tmpFile)
>>> file.remove(unzippedFiles)
>>> # This doesn't work correctly
>>> states$tmax20140416 <- over(states, tMaxGrid)
>> this would assign a data.frame to what you want to be a vector (in a
>> data.frame), so it would have to be:
>> states$tmax20140416 <- over(states, tMaxGrid)[[1]]
>> I'll try to modify sp so that it'd warn you in this case.
>> --
>> Edzer Pebesma
>> Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi),  University of Münster,
>> Heisenbergstraße 2, 48149 Münster, Germany; +49 251 83 33081
>> Journal of Statistical Software:   http://www.jstatsoft.org/
>> Computers & Geosciences:   http://elsevier.com/locate/cageo/
>> Spatial Statistics Society http://www.spatialstatistics.info
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Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi),  University of Münster,
Heisenbergstraße 2, 48149 Münster, Germany; +49 251 83 33081
Journal of Statistical Software:   http://www.jstatsoft.org/
Computers & Geosciences:   http://elsevier.com/locate/cageo/
Spatial Statistics Society http://www.spatialstatistics.info

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