[R-sig-Geo] plotKML: image width and height of legend in KML file

Elbers, Jan jan.elbers at wur.nl
Wed Apr 15 17:34:12 CEST 2015


With my first plotKML project I managed to create a KML file containing a layer with irregular points (air temperature data) and add a legend overlay to it.
I tried changing the size of the legend to no avail, whatever I fill in for "width" and "height" I get a png file that is 120x240 pixels.
What am I doing wrong?


My code is:
# working directory
# input file
tripfile <- 'wbgt_input_data_new.csv'
tripdata <- read.csv(tripfile)
# convert time to POSIX
tripdata$ctime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(tripdata$timestamp,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# lat lon with decimal minutes
tripdata$lat <- tripdata$lat + tripdata$latmin/60.
tripdata$lon <- tripdata$lon + tripdata$lonmin/60.
# create STIDF object
sp <- SpatialPoints(tripdata[,c("lon","lat")])
proj4string(sp) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
tripdata.st <- STIDF(sp, time = tripdata$ctime, data = tripdata[,c("t2m","rh")])
# save to kml with legend bar overlay
kml_open(file.name = paste(tripfile, ".kml", sep=""))
kml_layer(tripdata.st, file.name=paste(tripfile, ".kml", sep=""), colour=t2m, labels="", points_names="",
        shape="http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pal2/icon18.png", kmz=FALSE, open.kml=TRUE)
kml_legend.bar(x=tripdata$t2m, width=100, height=500, pointsize = 10, legend.file="legend.png",
              legend.pal=SAGA_pal$SG_COLORS_DEFAULT, z.lim = range(tripdata$t2m, na.rm=TRUE, finite=TRUE))
kml_screen(image.file = "legend.png", position = "ML", sname = "legend")
kml_close(file.name = paste(tripfile, ".kml", sep=""))

end of code

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