[R-sig-Geo] rescaling spatstat owin window

Marcelino de la Cruz marcelino.delacruz at upm.es
Mon Sep 22 14:14:32 CEST 2014

It depends on what do you exactly mean by "rescale". May be with 
dilation() or affine():

  plot(letterR, xlim=c(0,10), ylim=c(0,10), main="")
  plot(dilation(letterR, .2), add=T, border=2)
  plot(affine(letterR, mat=diag(c(2,2)),vec=c(-2,-.65)), add=T, border=3)



El 22/09/2014 a las #4, jquets rsiggeo escribió:
> Dear all,
> does anybody know how to rescale a spatstat owin window (i.e. multiplying
> all x and y coordinates of the polygon boundary with a certain factor)?
> kind regards,
> Jan
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