[R-sig-Geo] Error in zapply?

Srinivas V srinivasv at feralindia.org
Fri Sep 19 10:44:48 CEST 2014


I have a raster brick of MODIS 8 day LST data and I'm trying to generate 
a brick with monthly maximum LST values for the time period 2000-2013.  
I'm using the zoo and raster packages to get monthly averages, however 
it appears that the zapply function does not handle 1st January very 
well.To illustrate the problem I have provided outputs for a single 
year, instead of returning a brick with 12 layers it returns a brick 
with 13 layers and the first layer is assigned to December of the 
previous year.

I have also manually changed the time stamp from 1st January to 3rd 
January and it works fine. However to do this across multiple tiles and 
across years is going to problematic and I cannot automate the 
processing.  Is this a bug and what is the alternative?

I would appreciate any advice on dealing with this issue.



 > dy #dates extracted from file names
  [1] "2010-01-01 IST" "2010-01-09 IST" "2010-01-17 IST" "2010-01-25 
IST" "2010-02-02 IST" "2010-02-10 IST" "2010-02-18 IST" "2010-02-26 IST" 
"2010-03-06 IST" "2010-03-14 IST" "2010-03-22 IST" "2010-03-30 IST"
[13] "2010-04-07 IST" "2010-04-15 IST" "2010-04-23 IST" "2010-05-01 IST" 
"2010-05-09 IST" "2010-05-17 IST" "2010-05-25 IST" "2010-06-02 IST" 
"2010-06-10 IST" "2010-06-18 IST" "2010-06-26 IST" "2010-07-04 IST"
[25] "2010-07-12 IST" "2010-07-20 IST" "2010-07-28 IST" "2010-08-05 IST" 
"2010-08-13 IST" "2010-08-21 IST" "2010-08-29 IST" "2010-09-06 IST" 
"2010-09-14 IST" "2010-09-22 IST" "2010-09-30 IST" "2010-10-08 IST"
[37] "2010-10-16 IST" "2010-10-24 IST" "2010-11-01 IST" "2010-11-09 IST" 
"2010-11-17 IST" "2010-11-25 IST" "2010-12-03 IST" "2010-12-11 IST" 
"2010-12-19 IST" "2010-12-27 IST"

 > as.yearmon(dy)# no problem here, as.yearmon() is a function from 
package zoo

  [1] "Jan 2010" "Jan 2010" "Jan 2010" "Jan 2010" "Feb 2010" "Feb 2010" 
"Feb 2010" "Feb 2010" "Mar 2010" "Mar 2010" "Mar 2010" "Mar 2010" "Apr 
2010" "Apr 2010" "Apr 2010" "May 2010" "May 2010" "May 2010" "May 2010"
[20] "Jun 2010" "Jun 2010" "Jun 2010" "Jun 2010" "Jul 2010" "Jul 2010" 
"Jul 2010" "Jul 2010" "Aug 2010" "Aug 2010" "Aug 2010" "Aug 2010" "Sep 
2010" "Sep 2010" "Sep 2010" "Sep 2010" "Oct 2010" "Oct 2010" "Oct 2010"
[39] "Nov 2010" "Nov 2010" "Nov 2010" "Nov 2010" "Dec 2010" "Dec 2010" 
"Dec 2010" "Dec 2010"

 > LSTWG<-setZ(LSTWG,as.POSIXct(dy))#setZ used to set time stamp

 > LSTWG #raster brick for year 2010
class       : RasterBrick
dimensions  : 3334, 2294, 7648196, 46  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution  : 1000.16, 999.8986  (x, y)
extent      : -728812.9, 1565553, -1033.987, 3332628  (xmin, xmax, ymin, 
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +no_defs +zone=43 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 
+towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000 +to_meter=1
data source : in memory
names       : X2010.01.01, X2010.01.09, X2010.01.17, X2010.01.25, 
X2010.02.02, X2010.02.10, X2010.02.18, X2010.02.26, X2010.03.06, 
X2010.03.14, X2010.03.22, X2010.03.30, X2010.04.07, X2010.04.15, 
X2010.04.23, ...
min values  :       13279,       13136,       13159, 13201,       
13116,       13179,       13379,       13522, 13622,       13758,       
13901,       13865,       14132, 14007,       13915, ...
max values  :       15612,       15722,       15766, 15734,       
15808,       16005,       16145,       16223, 16409,       16493,       
16333,       16496,       16546, 16694,       16716, ...
time        : 2010-01-01, 2010-12-27 (min, max)

 > LSTWGm<-zApply(LSTWG,by=as.yearmon,fun=max)

 > LSTWGm #instead of returning a brick with 12 layers it returns a 
brick with 13 layers and the first layer is assigned to December of the 
previous year
class       : RasterBrick
dimensions  : 3334, 2294, 7648196, 13  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution  : 1000.16, 999.8986  (x, y)
extent      : -728812.9, 1565553, -1033.987, 3332628  (xmin, xmax, ymin, 
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +no_defs +zone=43 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 
+towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000 +to_meter=1
data source : 
names       : Dec.2009, Jan.2010, Feb.2010, Mar.2010, Apr.2010, 
May.2010, Jun.2010, Jul.2010, Aug.2010, Sep.2010, Oct.2010, Nov.2010, 
min values  :    13279,    13201,    13522,    13901,    14132, 
14360,    13865,    12649,    12048,    14142,    14031, 13868,    13667
max values  :    15612,    15766,    16223,    16496,    16716, 
16647,    16671,    16357,    16439,    16467,    16382, 15886,    15671
             : Dec 2009, Jan 2010, Feb 2010, Mar 2010, Apr 2010, May 
2010, Jun 2010, Jul 2010, Aug 2010, Sep 2010, Oct 2010, Nov 2010, Dec 2010

 >fix(dy)#changed time stamp of first tile to 3rd January

 > dy
  [1] "2010-01-03 IST" "2010-01-09 IST" "2010-01-17 IST" "2010-01-25 
IST" "2010-02-02 IST" "2010-02-10 IST" "2010-02-18 IST" "2010-02-26 IST" 
"2010-03-06 IST" "2010-03-14 IST" "2010-03-22 IST" "2010-03-30 IST"
[13] "2010-04-07 IST" "2010-04-15 IST" "2010-04-23 IST" "2010-05-01 IST" 
"2010-05-09 IST" "2010-05-17 IST" "2010-05-25 IST" "2010-06-02 IST" 
"2010-06-10 IST" "2010-06-18 IST" "2010-06-26 IST" "2010-07-04 IST"
[25] "2010-07-12 IST" "2010-07-20 IST" "2010-07-28 IST" "2010-08-05 IST" 
"2010-08-13 IST" "2010-08-21 IST" "2010-08-29 IST" "2010-09-06 IST" 
"2010-09-14 IST" "2010-09-22 IST" "2010-09-30 IST" "2010-10-08 IST"
[37] "2010-10-16 IST" "2010-10-24 IST" "2010-11-01 IST" "2010-11-09 IST" 
"2010-11-17 IST" "2010-11-25 IST" "2010-12-03 IST" "2010-12-11 IST" 
"2010-12-19 IST" "2010-12-27 IST"

 > LSTWG<-setZ(LSTWG,as.POSIXct(dy))

 > LSTWG #raster brick for year 2010, time stamp manually changed.

class       : RasterBrick
dimensions  : 3334, 2294, 7648196, 46  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution  : 1000.16, 999.8986  (x, y)
extent      : -728812.9, 1565553, -1033.987, 3332628  (xmin, xmax, ymin, 
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +no_defs +zone=43 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 
+towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000 +to_meter=1
data source : in memory
names       : X2010.01.01, X2010.01.09, X2010.01.17, X2010.01.25, 
X2010.02.02, X2010.02.10, X2010.02.18, X2010.02.26, X2010.03.06, 
X2010.03.14, X2010.03.22, X2010.03.30, X2010.04.07, X2010.04.15, 
X2010.04.23, ...
min values  :       13279,       13136,       13159, 13201,       
13116,       13179,       13379,       13522, 13622,       13758,       
13901,       13865,       14132, 14007,       13915, ...
max values  :       15612,       15722,       15766, 15734,       
15808,       16005,       16145,       16223, 16409,       16493,       
16333,       16496,       16546, 16694,       16716, ...
time        : 2010-01-03, 2010-12-27 (min, max)

 > LSTWGm<-zApply(LSTWG,by=as.yearmon,fun=max)

class       : RasterBrick
dimensions  : 3334, 2294, 7648196, 12  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution  : 1000.16, 999.8986  (x, y)
extent      : -728812.9, 1565553, -1033.987, 3332628  (xmin, xmax, ymin, 
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +no_defs +zone=43 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 
+towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000 +to_meter=1
data source : 
names       : Jan.2010, Feb.2010, Mar.2010, Apr.2010, May.2010, 
Jun.2010, Jul.2010, Aug.2010, Sep.2010, Oct.2010, Nov.2010, Dec.2010
min values  :    13279,    13522,    13901,    14132,    14360, 
13865,    12649,    12048,    14142,    14031,    13868,    13667
max values  :    15766,    16223,    16496,    16716,    16647, 
16671,    16357,    16439,    16467,    16382,    15886,    15671
             : Jan 2010, Feb 2010, Mar 2010, Apr 2010, May 2010, Jun 
2010, Jul 2010, Aug 2010, Sep 2010, Oct 2010, Nov 2010, Dec 2010



Srinivas Vaidyanathan
Senior Research Fellow
Foundation for Ecological Research, Advocacy & Learning
Web: www.feralindia.org

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