[R-sig-Geo] Trellis with spplot
Tim Appelhans
tim.appelhans at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 17:40:16 CEST 2014
Dear Nebi,
find one solution below. What you can do is split your meuse data set
according to the factor you like (in your example 'soil'). Then, after
making sure you have the same bounding box for each subset (I just too
the one from the overall meuse data), you can produce a plot for each
subset and put them back together using 'Reduce()'. The only thing that
is not straight-forward with this approach is the creation of the
legend. For this I have included a little example using the grid package
to focus on a certain region of your plot (in your example case the
empty bottom right panel) and then draw a key from scratch using
lattice::draw.key(). This is a bit more tedious, but it will give you
complete control over your layout.
Hope that helps.
On 09/03/2014 04:41 PM, N St wrote:
> Hello
> I would like to facet a spplot with the factors of one variable (like
> a xyplot(y~x|A)). I want to use spplot because I have to add others
> polygons layers. In my reproducible example below I would like to end
> up with three plots, one for each categorie (1,2,3) in a trellis
> --------------------------
> library(sp); library(lattice) ; library(RColorBrewer) ; library(latticeExtra)
> data(meuse)
> coordinates(meuse) <- c("x", "y")
> cc <- coordinates(meuse)
> m.sl <- SpatialLines(list(Lines(list(Line(cc)), "line1")))
> data(meuse.riv)
> meuse.lst <- list(Polygons(list(Polygon(meuse.riv)), "meuse.riv"))
> meuse.pol <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(SpatialPolygons(meuse.lst),
> data.frame(1), match.ID=FALSE)
> colfactor = RColorBrewer:::brewer.pal(3,"Accent")
> pts <- list("sp.points", meuse, pch = 16, col = colfactor, cex=2, )
> meuse.layout <- list(pts)
## split meuse data according to soil levels
meuse.splt <- split(meuse, f = meuse$soil)
## create spplot for each subset of the previous split
l.lst <- lapply(seq(meuse.splt), function(i) {
dat <- meuse.splt[[i]]
dat at bbox <- bbox(meuse)
spplot(dat, c("soil"), scales=list(draw=T), asp="iso",
col.regions=colfactor[[i]], cex=2,
auto.key = FALSE,
as.table = TRUE)
## function to combine the individual plots
outLayout <- function(x, y) {
update(c(x, y,
layout = c(2, 2)), x.same = TRUE, y.same = TRUE,
between = list(y = 0.3, x = 0.3))
## combine the plots
l <- Reduce(outLayout, l.lst)
## draw the plot to a new page
print(l + p, newpage = FALSE)
## focus on plotting area
downViewport(trellis.vpname(name = "figure"))
## set up new viewport for drawing the legend
vp1 <- viewport(x = 1, y = 0,
height = 0.4, width = 0.2,
just = c("right", "bottom"),
name = "legend.vp")
## focus on new viewport
## draw legend
draw.key(list(text=list(c("1", "2", "3"),
cex = 1),
columns = 1, rows = 3,
points = list(pch = 16,
cex = 2,
col = colfactor),
padding.text = 2),
draw = T,
vp = viewport(x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
just = "centre"))
## re-focus on entire drawing area (i.e. the plotting device)
> l <- spplot(meuse, c("soil"), scales=list(draw=T), asp="iso",
> col.regions=colfactor, cex=2)
> p <- spplot(meuse.pol, fill="blue")
> l+p
> -----------------------------
> It sounds really easy but I couldn't find an answer.
> Best Regards
> Nebi
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Tim Appelhans
Department of Geography
Environmental Informatics
Philipps Universität Marburg
Deutschhausstraße 12
35032 Marburg (Paketpost: 35037 Marburg)
Tel +49 (0) 6421 28-25957
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