[R-sig-Geo] Strange Rgdal compile error (possibly three)

Paul hewson paul.hewson at plymouth.ac.uk
Thu Oct 30 19:14:25 CET 2014

I'm trying to install rgdal on Kubuntu 14.04 and R 3.1.1; I have spent a lot
of time following up various online suggestions for the problems I think I'm
seeing but am currently rather baffled.   I'd be very grateful for a hint.  
I am using R CMD INSTALL ......

libgdal1-dev is installed, mariadb is installed, and armadillo/poppler etc
are installed (although ld can't find them).

To date, I have followed
- Old postings about GDALAllRegister not found
- not relevant here (I have compiliers)
- GDAL stuff on the amadillo / poppler missing (they are not - there might
be some ubuntu packaging issue here if I'm reading launchpad right)
- There is some stuff on MySQL / mariadb compatibility.

If anyone has any hints about what I should do next I'd be really grateful.  
For example, I don't know whether to knock out mariadb to see whether/how
that helps, but there seem to be orthogonal warnings.

checking gdal: linking with --libs only... no
checking gdal: linking with --libs and --dep-libs... no

/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `mysql_error at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_options at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_fetch_lengths at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_real_connect at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `mysql_query at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_free_result at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `my_init at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_field_seek at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_num_rows at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_num_fields at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `mysql_close at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_field_count at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`free_defaults at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `mysql_init at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_fetch_row at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_fetch_field at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to `mysql_errno at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_insert_id at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_use_result at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_store_result at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`load_defaults at libmysqlclient_18'
/usr/lib/libgdal.so: undefined reference to
`mysql_affected_rows at libmysqlclient_18'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -larmadillo
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lproj
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpoppler
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfreexl
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lepsilon
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lkmldom
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lkmlbase
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lkmlengine
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lkmlconvenience
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lminizip
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -luriparser
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

configure: Install failure: compilation and/or linkage problems.

configure: error: GDALAllRegister not found in libgdal.

View this message in context: http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.nabble.com/Strange-Rgdal-compile-error-possibly-three-tp7587374.html
Sent from the R-sig-geo mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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