[R-sig-Geo] pieSP: pie charts on map

Jue Lin-Ye jl.iccp at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 14:33:57 CEST 2014

Dear list members,

I am working on the following code.

(this might be erased after solution of problem)

 I am characterizing marine storms. There are four variables: slogE,
sloguE, slogT and slogD.

I would like to do the following

-draw a map for every return period (Tr) and every variable
 - have a pie chart for every WANA node (Here I have two nodes. The node
names are shown on the first column of Data.1.txt)
-Use the same colors for every variable. I mean, for Tr=1 through 50 years,
all the variables increase with return period, but I would like to have the
same colors for the same value ranges, in order to compare the maps. That
is, if return period 1year has slogE within the ranges (0,1] and (1,2] and
return period =2 years has slogE within the ranges (1,2] and (2,3], I would
like to take all (0,1]=blue, (1,2]=green and (2,3]=red and have two slices
of blue-green in Tr=1 year and two slices of green-red in Tr=2 years.

like this


I would also like to

-Show a legend on one side.


-I often have problems with zeroes, I would like the code to ignore zeroes
and just not to plot them.​

Please contact me for any doubt.

​Jue Lin-Ye​

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