[R-sig-Geo] Order raster images in a levelplot

Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro oscar.perpinan at upm.es
Tue Oct 21 07:50:27 CEST 2014


> 1. Does someone have any suggestions on how i can order the sequence
> of images in a “levelplot" made using rasterVis.  Specifically, i
> have months i need to arrange in the normal sequence, as the plot
> currently aligns them in an alphabetical order. Does “levelplot”
> works the same way as xyplots in lattice?

levelplot methods defined in rasterVis are based on lattice graphics. 
Most of the arguments provided by lattice::xyplot and
lattice::levelplot are also available. For this issue you could try
these arguments: perm.cond, index.cond, as.table. All of them are
described in the help page of lattice::xyplot.

> 2. Have there been more developments on the zApply function in the
> raster package? I am trying to make basic statistical summaries for
> mean monthly (eg. NDVI values) form a multi annual time series.  How
> does one go about using the “by" Indexing in this case.

Could you post a reproducible example? I have used zApply for similar
tasks without problems.



Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro
Dpto. Ingeniería Eléctrica (ETSIDI-UPM)
Grupo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos (IES-UPM)
URL: http://oscarperpinan.github.io

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