[R-sig-Geo] plotKML kml_layer.Raster problem

Andreas Gros andigros72 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 20:55:15 CET 2014

Thanks guys, but I still get the same error in this little toy example:


e.cRampPalette = colorRampPalette(
  c("black", "lightgray"), 1,

pwidth = 50
pheight = 50

r.ex <- extent(0, 1, 0, 1)
pproj <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84"
raster_layer <- raster(ncols=pwidth, nrows=pheight,
                       xmn=xmin(r.ex), xmx=xmax(r.ex),
                       ymn=ymin(r.ex), ymx=ymax(r.ex),

values(raster_layer) <- rep(1, pwidth*pheight)

kml_layer.Raster(raster_layer, folder.name='raster_sub_folder',

Error in setValues(x, value) :
values must be numeric, integer, logical or factor

> names(raster_layer)[1]
[1] "layer"
> raster_layer[["layer"]]
class       : RasterLayer
dimensions  : 50, 50, 2500  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution  : 0.02, 0.02  (x, y)
extent      : 0, 1, 0, 1  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84
data source : in memory
names       : layer
values      : 1, 1  (min, max)

> traceback()
6: stop("values must be numeric, integer, logical or factor")
5: setValues(x, value)
4: setValues(x, value)
3: `values<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "layer")
2: `values<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "layer")
1: kml_layer.Raster(raster_layer, folder.name = "raster_sub_folder",
       plot.legend = TRUE, metadata = NULL, colour = names(raster_layer)[1],
       colour_scale = e.cRampPalette(255), raster_name = "raster_layer",
       layer.name = names(raster_layer)[1], png.width = 50, png.height = 50)

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 2:01 AM, Tomislav Hengl <hengl at spatial-analyst.net>
> The argument "colour" is reserved for the target variable (name,
function/call or vector). plotKML allows users to visualize multiple
variables using different aesthetics (
http://plotkml.r-forge.r-project.org/aesthetics.html), so in your case this
would be "colour = layer, colour_scale = e.cRampPalette(255)", although it
might take you few iterations until you get the right legend / PNG output.
> To learn how to use lower level functions such as kml_layer.Raster maybe
first study the package vignette (
and/or the package tutorial (
> Sorry for some confusion between "colour" and "colour_scale".
> T. Hengl
> On 8-11-2014 1:12, Andreas Gros wrote:
>> Hi Frede,
>> This is the test case (using just values of 1): (traceback() below)
>> pheight = 100
>> pwidth = 200
>>> raster_layer <- raster(ncols=pwidth, nrows=pheight,
>> +                        xmn=xmin(r.ex), xmx=xmax(r.ex),
>> +                        ymn=ymin(r.ex), ymx=ymax(r.ex),
>> +                        crs=CRS(projection(bigraster)))
>>> values(raster_layer) <- rep(1, pwidth*pheight)
>>> kml_open(file.name="test.kml",
>> +   folder.name='top_folder',
>> +   kml_visibility=TRUE)
>> KML file opened for writing...
>>> kml_layer.Raster(raster_layer, folder.name='raster_sub_folder',
>> +   plot.legend=TRUE,
>> +   metadata=NULL,
>> +   colour=e.cRampPalette(255),
>> +   raster_name='raster_layer',
>> +   layer.name=names(raster_layer)[1],
>> +   png.width=1000,
>> +   png.height=833
>> + )
>> Error in setValues(x, value) :
>>    values must be numeric, integer, logical or factor
>>> kml_close(file.name="test.kml")
>> Closing  test.kml
>> Traceback:
>> traceback()
>> 6: stop("values must be numeric, integer, logical or factor")
>> 5: setValues(x, value)
>> 4: setValues(x, value)
>> 3: `values<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("#000000", "#010101", "#020202",
>>     "#030303", "#040404", "#060606", "#070707", "#080808", "#090909",
>>     "#0A0A0A", "#0C0C0C", "#0D0D0D", "#0E0E0E", "#0F0F0F", "#0F0F0F",
>>     "#101010", "#111111", "#121212", "#131313", "#141414", "#141414",
>>     "#151515", "#161616", "#161616", "#171717", "#181818", "#181818",
>>     "#191919", "#1A1A1A", "#1A1A1A", "#1B1B1B", "#1C1C1C", "#1C1C1C",
>>     "#1D1D1D", "#1E1E1E", "#1E1E1E", "#1F1F1F", "#202020", "#202020",
>>     "#212121", "#222222", "#222222", "#232323", "#242424", "#242424",
>>     "#252525", "#262626", "#272727", "#272727", "#282828", "#292929",
>>     "#292929", "#2A2A2A", "#2B2B2B", "#2B2B2B", "#2C2C2C", "#2D2D2D",
>>     "#2E2E2E", "#2E2E2E", "#2F2F2F", "#303030", "#303030", "#313131",
>>     "#323232", "#333333", "#333333", "#343434", "#353535", "#363636",
>>     "#363636", "#373737", "#383838", "#383838", "#393939", "#3A3A3A",
>>     "#3B3B3B", "#3B3B3B", "#3C3C3C", "#3D3D3D", "#3E3E3E", "#3E3E3E",
>> ...
>>     ))
>> 2: `values<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("#000000", "#010101", "#020202",
>>     "#030303", "#040404", "#060606", "#070707", "#080808", "#090909",
>>     "#0A0A0A", "#0C0C0C", "#0D0D0D", "#0E0E0E", "#0F0F0F", "#0F0F0F",
>>     "#101010", "#111111", "#121212", "#131313", "#141414", "#141414",
>>     "#151515", "#161616", "#161616", "#171717", "#181818", "#181818",
>>     "#565656", "#575757", "#585858", "#595959", "#5A5A5A", "#5A5A5A",
>> ...
>>   ))
>> 1: kml_layer.Raster(raster_layer, folder.name = "raster_sub_folder",
>>         plot.legend = TRUE, metadata = NULL, colour =
>>         raster_name = "raster_layer", layer.name =
>>         png.width = 1000, png.height = 833)
>> And when I'm trying to use colour_scheme I'm gettiing an error that lets
>> assume that kml_layer.Raster is not compatible with 'raster':
>> kml_open(file.name="test.kml",
>> +   folder.name='top_folder',
>> +   kml_visibility=TRUE)
>> KML file opened for writing...
>>> kml_layer.Raster(raster_layer, folder.name='raster_sub_folder',
>> +   plot.legend=TRUE,
>> +   metadata=NULL,
>> +   colour_scheme=e.cRampPalette(255),
>> +   raster_name='raster_layer',
>> +   layer.name=names(raster_layer)[1],
>> +   png.width=1000,
>> +   png.height=833
>> + )
>> Error in is.factor(obj at data[, 1]) :
>>    error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for
>> 'is.factor': Error in obj at data[, 1] : object of type 'S4' is not
>>> kml_close(file.name="test.kml")
>> Closing  test.kml
>>> traceback()
>> 2: is.factor(obj at data[, 1])
>> 1: kml_layer.Raster(raster_layer, folder.name = "raster_sub_folder",
>>         plot.legend = TRUE, metadata = NULL, colour_scheme =
>> e.cRampPalette(255),
>>         raster_name = "raster_layer", layer.name =
>>         png.width = 1000, png.height = 833)
>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 10:52 PM, Frede Aakmann Tøgersen <frtog at vestas.com
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Andreas
>>> Can you provide a small example showing the details of what you're
>>> to do. I don't think that anyone can help you with the little
>>> you have given.
>>> If you do not have any example please show us the output from
>>> immediately after the error.
>>> I don't think this has anything to do with NA's in your data values as I
>>> don't get any errors doing this (from man of kml_layer.Raster):
>>> data(eberg_grid)
>>> library(sp)
>>> coordinates(eberg_grid) <- ~x+y
>>> gridded(eberg_grid) <- TRUE
>>> proj4string(eberg_grid) <- CRS("+init=epsg:31467")
>>> data(SAGA_pal)
>>> library(raster)
>>> r <- raster(eberg_grid["TWISRT6"])
>>> ## Put some NA's into data
>>> r at data@values[1:10] <- NA
>>> kml(r, colour_scale = SAGA_pal[[1]], colour = TWISRT6)
>>> Yours sincerely / Med venlig hilsen
>>> Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
>>> Specialist, M.Sc., Ph.D.
>>> Plant Performance & Modeling
>>> Technology & Service Solutions
>>> T +45 9730 5135
>>> M +45 2547 6050
>>> frtog at vestas.com
>>> http://www.vestas.com
>>> Company reg. name: Vestas Wind Systems A/S
>>> This e-mail is subject to our e-mail disclaimer statement.
>>> Please refer to www.vestas.com/legal/notice
>>> If you have received this e-mail in error please contact the sender.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: r-sig-geo-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-sig-geo-bounces at r-
>>>> project.org] On Behalf Of Andreas Gros
>>>> Sent: 6. november 2014 23:47
>>>> To: r-sig-geo at r-project.org
>>>> Subject: [R-sig-Geo] plotKML kml_layer.Raster problem
>>>> In version 0.4-6 of plotKML, when I'm adding a kml_layer.Raster (single
>>>> layer, no stack/brick) to a kml file, I get the following error
>>>> Error in setValues(x, value) :
>>>> values must be numeric, integer, logical or factor
>>>> The values in the raster range between -57 and 2000 and it also occurs
>>> if I
>>>> replace NA values first with some arbitrary numerical value.
>>>> Has anyone come across this problem and knows how to fix/circumnavigate
>>>> it?
>>>> Thanks!
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