[R-sig-Geo] error in readShapePoly

Mahbubeh Parsaeian mahbobehparsaeian at yahoo.com
Fri May 16 07:36:52 CEST 2014

Dear all
I have a shape file of UK. I have used it serveral times before. But now when I want to use this shapefile the following error will apear.

Error in read.shape(filen = fn, verbose = verbose, repair = repair) : 
  File size and implied file size differ, consider trying repair=TRUE

shp<-readShapePoly("GreaterLondon_ward", repair=TRUE)
Error in read.shape(filen = fn, verbose = verbose, repair = repair) : 
  Cannot repair file size error

If it is possible please let me know what is the problem.

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