[R-sig-Geo] Random polygon maps or dividing a polygon randomly

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Wed May 14 00:31:37 CEST 2014

On 14/05/14 10:04, Andrew Bernj wrote:
> Dear list,
> I write you to ask if anyone knows of any package, function, or code
> to generate random polygon maps? Of course, a simpler and also good
> enough solution for me would be any way to divide/split a single
> polygon randomly into other polygons.
> I am willing to code it myself either in R or Python if necessary, but
> I fell that similar things probably have been tried so far and would
> not like to overlap on those.

How random?  Random in what way?  You can always generate a random point 
pattern and then form the Dirichlet/Voronoi tessellation of that 
pattern.  Is that random enough for you?  If so, the facilities are 
provided in the "spatstat" package (and in a more limited way in the 
"deldir" package that gets used by spatstat for the guts of the 
tessellation calculation).  Note that the polygons generated are all convex.


Rolf Turner

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