[R-sig-Geo] First announcement and call for papers: "Spatial and spatio-temporal models for interpolating climatic and meteorological data" (special issue in Spatial Statistics journal)
Tomislav Hengl
hengl at spatial-analyst.net
Mon Mar 10 10:46:02 CET 2014
If you are a meteorologist/climatologist, GIS scientist and/or involved
with using global and continental meteo/climatic data for environmental
modeling, consider submitting a research paper for a special issue of
Spatial Statistics journal
(http://www.journals.elsevier.com/spatial-statistics/) entitled "Spatial
and spatio-temporal models for interpolating climatic and meteorological
data" (associate editors: Hengl, Pebesma and Hijmans). Submissions for
the special issue will open on 1st of July 2014 (with submission
deadline of 15th of October 2014, and acceptance deadline on 1st of
March 2015), i.e. just after the http://dailymeteo.org/2014 conference
in Belgrade.
The DailyMeteo.org/2014 conference will be run as a five day event in
the period 23-27 June 2014 starting with three days of workshops and
package tutorials. The three-day workshops will consists of software
tutorials including:
- Edzer Pebesma: spacetime / gstat package tutorials (spatial and
spatio-temporal statistics with R)
- Milan Kilibarda: plotGoogleMaps / meteo package tutorials
- Tomislav Hengl: plotKML package tutorial (visualization of spatial and
spatio-temporal data from R to Google Earth)
- Benedikt Gräler: gstat package tutorial (choosing and fitting
spatio-temporal models for meteorological data)
After the workshops we will run a two-days conference will several
keynote speakers / leading researchers in the field:
- prof. dr. Edzer Pebesma, University of Münster, Germany: "Spatial and
temporal support of meteorological observations and predictions"
- dr. Raymond Sluiter, KNMI, the Netherlands: "An operational R-based
interpolation facility for climate and meteo data"
- dr. Gerard B.M. Heuvelink, Wageningen University: "Statistical
modelling of space-time variability"
- dr. Robert Hijmans, University of California, Davis: "New global
climate surfaces, and the trade-off between space and time"
- Mojca Dolinar, Environmental Agency of Republic of Slovenia:
"Production of climate maps: operational issues and challenges"
- Prof. Slobodan Simonovic from Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of the University of Western Ontario: "Modeling resilience to
climate change in space and time"
We aim at establishing an international consortium to support production
of an open archive of meteorological images at high spatial (1 km) and
temporal (1 day) resolution.
March 30th 2014 - abstract submission / registration deadline
May 15th 2014 - deadline early birds
June 23-27 2014 - conference
July 1st of 2014 - submissions open
We are looking forward to seeing you in Belgrade!
For more info see: http://dailymeteo.org/2014
T. (Tom) Hengl
Url: http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Persons/dr.-T-Tom-Hengl.htm
Network: http://profiles.google.com/tom.hengl
Publications: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2oYU7S8AAAAJ
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