[R-sig-Geo] Merging shapefiles and csv

Rolando Valdez rvaldezr at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 17:03:36 CEST 2014


I have used this proceeding:

spatial.data <- readOGR(….)
stat.data <- read.csv(….)
spatial.data at data=data.frame(stat.data)

This will merge your statistical data to your spatial data. Make sure you have the same order in both sides of your data.

Hope this help, greetings.

El 31/07/2014, a las 09:10, sam cruickshank <sam_l_cruickshank at hotmail.com> escribió:

> Hi,Thank you Lyndon and Rafael for your thoughts.  After the sp::merge comment I followed the code below, but again it failed at the write OGR bit, but this time with "Error in writeOGR(spatial.data, dsn = "C:/Users/Laptop/Documents/Rworkspace/Shape",  :   Creating Name field failed"
> This could be because the "new_layer" command...does this have to be named anything in particular?  Does it have to match the file name etc.  Lyndon I'll try yours next but must admit it's confused me a little.
> Joining New Data to an Existing sp Object
> # use to read in some vector data
> library(rgdal)
> # read something in, rows are identified by a column called 'id'
> spatial.data <- readOGR(...)
> # read in some tabular data, rows are identified by a column called 'id'
> new_table <- read.csv(...)
> # 'join' the new data with merge()
> # all.x=TRUE is used to ensure we have the same number of rows after the join
> # in case that the new table has fewer
> merged <- merge(x=spatial.data at data, y=new_table, by.x='id', by.y='id', all.x=TRUE)
> # generate a vector that represents the original ordering of rows in the sp object
> correct.ordering <- match(spatial.data at data$id, merged$id)
> # overwrite the original dataframe with the new merged dataframe, in the correct order
> spatial.data at data <- merged[correct.ordering, ]
> # check the ordering of the merged data, with the original spatial data
> cbind(spatial.data at data$id, merged$id[correct.ordering]) 
> Correctly Write 'NA' Values to Shapefile [bug in writeOGR()]
> # libraries we need
> require(rgdal)
> require(foreign)
> # pass 1: write the shapefile
> writeOGR(spatial.data, dsn='new_folder', driver='ESRI Shapefile', layer='new_layer')
> # re-make the DBF:
> write.dbf(spatial.data at data, file='new_folder/new_layer.dbf')
>> Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:19:01 +0200
>> From: rafael.wueest at gmail.com
>> To: r-sig-geo at r-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] Merging shapefiles and csv
>> Hi there
>> have a look at
>> ?sp::merge
>> Should do what you need.
>> HTH, Rafael
>> On 31/07/2014 15:14, Lyndon Estes wrote:
>>> I am not sure about the mismatch issue, but I thinking merging the
>>> data slot of spatialPolygonsDataFrame with a data frame produces
>>> undesirable results.
>>> I wrote a function a while back that does the merge in such a way that
>>> the problems are avoided, and perhaps this might help.  I think there
>>> are other, more recent, and undoubtedly better solutions (in fact I
>>> recall seeing a very recent thread about this, but not sure where)
>>> than this one that you could find.
>>> joinAttributeTable <- function(x, y, xcol, ycol) {
>>> # Merges data frame to SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, keeping the correct
>>> order. Code from suggestions at:
>>> # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2008-January/003064.html
>>> # Args:
>>> #   x: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
>>> #   y: Name of data.frame to merge
>>> #   xcol: Merge column name
>>> #   ycol: Merge column name
>>> # Returns: Shapefile with merged attribute table
>>>   x$sort_id <- 1:nrow(as(x, "data.frame"))  # Column containing
>>> original row order for later sorting
>>>   x.dat <- as(x, "data.frame")  # Create new data.frame object
>>>   x.dat2 <- merge(x.dat, y, by.x = xcol, by.y = ycol)  # Merge
>>>   x.dat2.ord <- x.dat2[order(x.dat2$sort_id), ]  # Reorder back to original
>>>   x2 <- x[x$sort_id %in% x.dat2$sort_id, ]  # Make new set of
>>> polygons, dropping those which aren't in merge
>>>   x2.dat <- as(x2, "data.frame")  # Make update x2 into a data.frame
>>>   row.names(x.dat2.ord) <- row.names(x2.dat)  # Reassign row.names
>>> from original data.frame
>>>   x2 at data <- x.dat2.ord  # Assign to shapefile the new data.frame
>>>   return(x2)
>>> }
>>> Hope it helps.
>>> Best, Lyndon
>>> On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 8:32 AM, HallS <sam_l_cruickshank at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm struggling to know how this will come across as my data is confidential.
>>>> Basically I have a shapefile (.shp) and a csv file while contain the same
>>>> regions (i.e.) a column which has the same information.  Using this link:
>>>> https://sites.google.com/site/eospansite/alobotips/spatial_r_tips/rshp_xls
>>>> I managed to get quite far but once I got to the writeOGR command, I get the
>>>> error
>>>>  Error in writeOGR(RSANHS, dsn = "C:/Users/Laptop/Documents/Rworkspace/",  :
>>>>   number of objects mismatch
>>>> shape1 at data <- merge(shape1 at data,csv,by.x="RSA",
>>>> +                           by.y="RSA", all.x=T, sort=F)
>>>>> ###Checking it
>>>>> dim(shape at data)
>>>> [1] 1745    2
>>>>> dim(shape1 at data)
>>>> [1] 1747    5
>>>> This shows a discrepancy in two rows between the original shapefile and the
>>>> new merged one.  When I looked at the merged file in full, there were a
>>>> number of NA rows at the bottom where there was no corresponding data to the
>>>> shapefile.  I tried shape1 at data <- na.exclude(shape1 at data) and with na.omit,
>>>> and this did reduce the number of rows to 1690, but the problem persists.
>>>> Sorry if this is a really unhelpful question, I'm not sure how to do it when
>>>> data is confidential.
>>>> --
>>>> View this message in context: http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.nabble.com/Merging-shapefiles-and-csv-tp7586839.html
>>>> Sent from the R-sig-geo mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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>> -- 
>> Rafael Wüest
>> rafael.wueest at gmail.com
>> http://www.rowueest.net
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Rolando Valdez

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