[R-sig-Geo] Local_coord

Kátia Emidio kat.emidio at gmail.com
Sun Jul 20 17:51:29 CEST 2014

Hi there,
I need to consolidate my local coordinates gotten in 10x10m sub-plots and
to transform them into 100x100m reference. I am doing this by hand in
excel... too much time!!
I need to sum up a reference measure to subplots measure by creating a
The file "Coord_ha_R" has the columns names "Parcela Sub_parc X_local
The reference file (ref_sub_parc_coord) to sum up values to X and Y_ local
has  the colums name  "sub-parc X Y".

For each "XY_local fields in the "coord_ha_R", I need to sum up the
respective XY  values in the  "ref_sub_parc_coord" file, considering each

I'll really apreciate any help, because I have too many plots!!

Kátia Emídio da Silva DSc
Eng. Florestal

Forestry Engineer
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Parcela	Sub_parc	X_local	Y_local
3	1	2.78	4.4
3	1	10	5.2
3	1	6.28	6.1
3	1	1.28	6
3	2	4.99	2
3	2	6.96	6.35
3	2	1.17	5.1
3	2	6.96	8.3
3	2	4.78	9.8
3	3	5.88	1
3	3	7.25	2.6
3	3	6.92	5.2
3	3	0.2	7.9
3	3	6.04	7.2
3	3	4.61	8.6
3	4	6.03	2.94
3	4	3.9	2.96
3	4	7.62	10
3	4	8.7	7.1
3	4	9.3	9.62
3	5	9.9	0.3
3	5	1.53	1.2
3	5	9.8	1.9
3	5	5.96	3.15
3	5	7.8	2.96
3	5	8.96	5.6
3	6	7.62	0.3
3	6	5.39	1.5
3	6	0.95	2.45
3	6	7.76	7.3
3	6	3.64	5.8
3	6	8.89	8.7
3	6	1.02	
3	6	5.31	8.5
3	6	2.09	8.6
3	6	0.46	9.3
3	7	0	3.55
3	7	3	5.8
3	7	10	8.05
3	7	0.73	8.8
3	8	2.63	0.85
3	8	4.2	4
3	8	5.37	4.5
3	8	0.96	6.7
3	8	7.03	8.1
3	8	7.32	9
3	8	8.6	9.7
3	9	6.91	1.3
3	9	4.53	3.3
3	9	7.32	7.3
3	9	1.09	6.1
3	9	0.54	6.4
3	10	5.54	3.3
3	10	10	8.2
3	10	5.32	5.7
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sub-parc	X	Y
sub-parc1	0	0
sub-parc2	0	10
sub-parc3	0	20
sub-parc4	0	30
sub-parc5	0	40
sub-parc6	0	50
sub-parc7	0	60
sub-parc8	0	70
sub-parc9	0	80
sub-parc10	0	90

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