[R-sig-Geo] Spatial Copula Workshop -- call for participation

Benedikt Gräler ben.graeler at uni-muenster.de
Mon Jul 14 16:58:01 CEST 2014

Dear list members,

we would like to turn your interest to the Spatial Copula Workshop held
at the Institute for Geoinformatics in Münster on 22nd and 23rd
September 2014. The program is now settled but joining the audience in
talks and discussions is still possible.

Please find further details on the workshop at:


Copula based models have been developed for various spatial applications
in recent years. In hydrology, copulas are for instance used to model
dependencies among storm variables or to interpolate precipitation
across space. Copulas can be found as well in weather prediction,
interpolation of radioactive radiation, air quality assessments, disease
mapping, or risk evaluation of infectious disease. Some of these models
are based on classical multivariate elliptical copulas with the Matern
class of spatial dependencies, while other allow for the more flexible
class of vine copulas. This workshop aims at gathering researchers
across different domains developing and using spatial copulas. During
these two days recent theoretical developments of spatial copulas and
their applications will be presented and discussed. This exchange of
ideas will contribute to the future development of spatial copulas for
many application scenarios and provides opportunities for collaboration
in this exciting and fast-growing research topic. The spatial copula
workshop is a fork of a series of vine copula workshops (see
www.vine-copula.org) and a join with the wide field of spatial statistics.

Kind regards,


Benedikt Gräler

ifgi - Institute for Geoinformatics
University of Muenster


Phone: +49 251 83-33082
Mail: ben.graeler at uni-muenster.de

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