[R-sig-Geo] gdalUtils 0.2.0 now on CRAN

Jonathan Greenberg jgrn at illinois.edu
Wed Jan 8 23:42:18 CET 2014

I would like to announce a new R package "gdalUtils", now on CRAN.
gdalUtils is a set of R wrappers for most of the GDAL utility programs
(http://gdal.org/gdal_utilities.html).  gdalUtils is a collaboration
between Matteo Mattiuzzi and me.

gdalUtils requires an already-installed GDAL on your system:

For Windows, I recommend installing QGIS Standalone
(http://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html) which appears to
have the most up-to-date binaries of GDAL for the Windows operating
system including support for HDF4/5 files.

Note that this is NOT a replacement for Roger Bivand's fantastic rgdal
package, it is a complementary package that simply provides R-wrappers
for functions like gdalwarp, gdal_translate, ogr2ogr, etc.  We've
tried to make the interface more R-like in terms of input parameters,
and have provided some additional features such as (when relevant)
returning outputs in Robert Hijman's raster format.  The parameter
naming and the documentation follows GDAL, with permission from Frank
Warmerdam (lead GDAL developer).

We have also provided some value-added functions such as
batch_gdal_translate and get_subdatasets (for extracting subdataset
names from HDF4/5 and NetCDF files).

I will note the primary motivation for developing this package was
initially to provide (finally) HDF4/5 file support to Windows users
(for Landsat and MODIS processing, among other things).  However, many
of the GDAL functions provide additional capabilities that R functions
do not currently have, and they are quite a bit faster than most of
their R equivalents (compare projectRaster_rigorous in my
spatial.tools package to gdalwarp(...,method="mode") for an example).

When you first fire it up, it may take a bit to search for a valid
GDAL install on your computer.  If you have more than one (Windows
users may find this), it will use the latest version.  We tried to
make this system-agnostic, but let us know if you have any problems
getting the functions to work.  The best way to test is:



Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
Assistant Professor
Global Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing (GEARS) Laboratory
Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
259 Computing Applications Building, MC-150
605 East Springfield Avenue
Champaign, IL  61820-6371
Phone: 217-300-1924
AIM: jgrn307, MSN: jgrn307 at hotmail.com, Gchat: jgrn307, Skype: jgrn3007

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