[R-sig-Geo] Convert units hours since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 to date

Eko Susilo ekosusilo at live.com
Wed Dec 31 07:22:25 CET 2014

I have a question about converting the time value in my data set 
For example the time value is 569004 for (2014-11-29) -- hours since 
1950-01-01 00:00:00
How to convert the time value in to date in R ?

I have tried several ways but not work..
 >  timeval <- 569004
 >  as.Date(timeval, origin=c("1950-01-01"))
[1] "3507-11-19"

 > as.Date(as.POSIXct(timeval, origin="1950-01-01"))
[1] "1950-01-07"

Eko Susilo

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