[R-sig-Geo] kriging with non-euclidean distances

Facundo Muñoz famuvie at alumni.uv.es
Fri Dec 19 16:53:33 CET 2014

This is a recurring question from time to time.

I finally packaged [1] some old code (2009) that modifies certain
functions in geoR in order to use custom distance matrices in the
construction of empirical variograms (variog), the fit of variogram
models (likfit) and the kriging (krige.conv).

I used it at the time with “cost-based” distances, which need to be
computed elsewhere.
I used |GRASS GIS|, but nowadays there is |gdistance| which can complete
a full-R solution.
I also included some sample data and examples of usage.

I hope it is more easily accesible now.

Best regards

[1] https://github.com/famuvie/geoRcb


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