[R-sig-Geo] writeRaster does not preserve names when writing to NetCDF
Michael Sumner
mdsumner at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 13:18:08 CEST 2014
I'm sure you could find a way to do this with NetCDF/4 *if* the model
allows it, and add the required modifications to raster to handle it.
I'm just saying "it's complicated" for the reasons I outlined. I don't
see a natural way for this to happen.
Also - I've never seen text in a NetCDF variable, it's always in the
attributes (that I've seen) - maybe it's different with NetCDF4.
As Barry points out, to get names on dimension slices (or bundle
multiple NetCDF variables into a single data set) you effectively have
to write a new convention/API for dealing with this file format that
"can (nearly but not quite) do everything ".
Cheers, Mike
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Mark Payne <mpay at aqua.dtu.dk> wrote:
> Hi Barry, Michael,
> Thanks for the replies. Maybe I should clarify my point a bit more. As
> Barry says, NetCDF is well suited for storing high-dimensional data. For
> example, at the bottom is the header description from a netcdf file written
> with writeRaster(). Note that the variable is stored as a 3-D array with
> dimensions "value", "easting" and "northing". The values of the eastings and
> northings are written appropriately, but the value dimension/variable is
> just filled with a numeric value. This dimensions is used by brick() when
> reading a netcdf to populate the layer names.
> My proposed solution would be to add an argument to writeRaster() called
> zvalues (or similar), which would be written to the value
> dimension/variable. Initially this could be a numeric vector, (e.g. the
> depths that this variable corresponds to: 6, 12, 18, 30, 40, 50...) but I
> believe it may be possible to make this a string as well e.g. with NetCDF
> v4.
> Does that make sense?
> Mark
> netcdf EP_1992 {
> dimensions:
> easting = 23 ;
> northing = 37 ;
> value = UNLIMITED ; // (6 currently)
> variables:
> double easting(easting) ;
> easting:units = "meter" ;
> easting:long_name = "easting" ;
> double northing(northing) ;
> northing:units = "meter" ;
> northing:long_name = "northing" ;
> int value(value) ;
> value:units = "unknown" ;
> value:long_name = "value" ;
> float variable(value, northing, easting) ;
> variable:_FillValue = -3.4e+38 ;
> variable:missing_value = -3.4e+38 ;
> variable:long_name = "variable" ;
> variable:projection = "+proj=utm +zone=29 +datum=WGS84
> +units=km +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" ;
> variable:projection_format = "PROJ.4" ;
> variable:min = -2.26894027129976, -4.60561400334956,
> -3.66937747634895, -5.97212100926874, -6.12123420979669, -3.44363500443944 ;
> variable:max = 3.11489873186157, 3.39906242513969,
> 3.3160419018914, 2.74477652780673, 1.8108377756661, 0.70816760511994 ;
> // global attributes:
> :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
> :created_by = "R, packages ncdf and raster (version 2.2-31)"
> ;
> :date = "2014-08-11 15:37:25" ;
> data:
> easting = 25, 75, 125, 175, 225, 275, 325, 375, 425, 475, 525, 575, 625,
> 675, 725, 775, 825, 875, 925, 975, 1025, 1075, 1125 ;
> northing = 6425, 6375, 6325, 6275, 6225, 6175, 6125, 6075, 6025, 5975,
> 5925,
> 5875, 5825, 5775, 5725, 5675, 5625, 5575, 5525, 5475, 5425, 5375, 5325,
> 5275, 5225, 5175, 5125, 5075, 5025, 4975, 4925, 4875, 4825, 4775, 4725,
> 4675, 4625 ;
> value = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ;
> }
> On 12/08/14 09:53, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:05 AM, Michael Sumner <mdsumner at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I don't think that NetCDF has the capacity to store these names in a
>>> natural way. Internally your brick is stored as a NetCDF variable, in
>>> this case a 3d array. To do this it would need to define a 'dimension"
>>> and include a lookup map to the names. A NetCDF dimension variable
>>> must be populated with numbers I believe, so you would need another
>>> variable to store those and then add in features to raster to use
>>> them.
>>> There's at least two blockers here:
>>> - the NetCDF model is not designed for storing tabular data (a RGB
>>> image is a table of records in one sense, not a 3d array of integers)
>>> - gridded data storage usually conflates "dimension" with
>>> "attributes", which is unfortunate.
>> Ummmm....
>> NetCDF can store just about anything. Its that flexibility that makes
>> it hard for one piece of software that writes a raster brick totally
>> compatible with another piece of software that writes a raster brick.
>> The NetCDF format itself has no convention for how to store it.
>> So people have developed conventions!
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/BestPractices.html
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/conventions.html
>> http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-convetions/cf-conventions-1.7/build/cf-conventions-multi.html
>> [yes there's a typo in that last one - "convetions" - that's how it is.]
>> You can see which convention a NetCDF file claims to be by dumping it
>> with ncdump on the command line:
>> // global attributes:
>> :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
>> :created_by = "R, packages ncdf and raster (version 2.1-49)" ;
>> :date = "2014-08-11 17:17:01" ;
>> [note this also dumps the data, you might want to pipe it to | more]
>> The exact convention used by raster and rgdal seems to vary depending
>> on whether ncdf is loaded when raster saves it, or something. At least
>> in my blurry morning fumblings I seem to have reached contradictory
>> examples which need clearing up once the coffee IV hits. The varname
>> argument to writeRaster doesn't seem to do anything, but I'm probably
>> looking at the wrong file or have an old package:raster or something.
>> Anyway, the two main ways of storing multi-layer raster appear to be,
>> and these are files with CF-1.4/5 convention markers, as a 3d cube
>> with dimension (Nx,Ny,Nz) or as a set of 2d named variables. The names
>> of these 2d variables should be settable at write time and recoverable
>> at read-time. However, If the data is a 3d cube then I don't think the
>> dimensions can have names, although I've not really understood the CF
>> standards yet (and that page has links to some awful documentation and
>> missing links...).
>> It would be quite simple to add another variable, of characters, to
>> the NetCDF file, but I suspect keeping to a given NetCDF Convention
>> would be a good idea assuming it can do it.
>> End-of-ramble...
>> Barry
>>> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:26 AM, Mark Payne <markpayneatwork at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a problem with writeRaster when writing a brick to NetCDF - the
>>>> names of the layers are not preserved. Here is a minimum example to
>>>> demonstrate the point:
>>>> #Create an arbitrary brick and write it out
>>>> b <- brick(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
>>>> fname <- file.path( tempdir(),"test.nc")
>>>> dmp <- writeRaster(b,file=fname)
>>>> #Now read it back in
>>>> a <- brick(fname)
>>>> #However, names are not preserved
>>>>> names(b)
>>>> [1] "red" "green" "blue"
>>>>> names(a)
>>>> [1] "X1" "X2" "X3"
>>>> I realise this is a touch tricky, as NetCDF isn't exactly made for
>>>> storing
>>>> character strings, which is how raster stores the layer names. However,
>>>> there are many cases where the string is just a representation of a
>>>> number
>>>> anyway.... e.g. when working with time or depth levels as the layers in
>>>> the
>>>> brick. One solution could therefore be to allow the writeRaster function
>>>> to
>>>> take an argument "zvals", in the same way that it takes "zname" and
>>>> "zunit"
>>>> when working with netcdf files - this argument would let you specify the
>>>> numeric values of the z-axis. Everything else would then work ok I
>>>> think,
>>>> as brick() picks up the values of the z-axis, converts them to strings
>>>> and
>>>> assigns them to layer names.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Mark
>>>> raster version: 2.2-31
>>>> R version 3.0.3
>>>> ncdf4 version: 1.10
>>>> Platform: Linux Mint 16, 64 bit
>>>> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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>>> --
>>> Michael Sumner
>>> Software and Database Engineer
>>> Australian Antarctic Division
>>> Hobart, Australia
>>> e-mail: mdsumner at gmail.com
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Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
Hobart, Australia
e-mail: mdsumner at gmail.com
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