[R-sig-Geo] Problems in handling several animals in BRB calculation

Anna-Marie Corman annajess at gmx.de
Sat Apr 12 14:20:16 CEST 2014

Dear all,

I have a problem with the BRB calculation of my seabird tracking data. 
When I run the model R always has a fatal error and is aborted. Is there 
anything wrong in my ltraj-class or with the "D=" term in the BRB code? 
Does anyone see my beginner's mistake(s)?

Thank you again.

Best regards,

#Overview of my data (6 different individuals)
 > head(dcol[,c(1:11,17,25:27)])
         date day month year hour minute second time_sec time_diff latitude
1 13.05.2011  13     5 2011   21     11     33    76293       186 54.70463
2 13.05.2011  13     5 2011   21     14     37    76477       184 54.70479
3 13.05.2011  13     5 2011   21     17     40    76660       183 54.70548
4 13.05.2011  13     5 2011   21     20     44    76844       184 54.71007
5 13.05.2011  13     5 2011   21     23     48    77028       184 54.72099
6 13.05.2011  13     5 2011   21     26     52    77212       184 54.73233
   longitude  bird_id                 cet   xKoord  yKoord
1  8.349938 HA1_2011 2011-05-13 21:11:33 458111.9 6062117
2  8.349722 HA1_2011 2011-05-13 21:14:37 458098.1 6062135
3  8.344133 HA1_2011 2011-05-13 21:17:40 457738.7 6062216
4  8.338260 HA1_2011 2011-05-13 21:20:44 457365.1 6062730
5  8.320427 HA1_2011 2011-05-13 21:23:48 456227.9 6063956
6  8.312453 HA1_2011 2011-05-13 21:26:52 455726.7 6065223

ha11time <- dcol[, c("cet")]
ha11XY <- dcol[,c("xKoord", "yKoord")]
ha11ltraj <- as.ltraj(ha11XY, ha11time, id=dcol$bird_id,typeII=T)

##diffusion parameter

##fatal error occurs

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