[R-sig-Geo] R encounters fatal error in errorsarlm - sdpep package

Philine Gaffron p.gaffron at tuhh.de
Mon Sep 30 20:56:16 CEST 2013

Thank you for the response, Roger. My answers below. I have also added a 
question on a warning message I have received and would be glad to find 
out whether this means I need to change the analysis approach or just 
have to take it as additional information.

Am 25.09.2013 00:53, schrieb Roger Bivand:
> On Wed, 25 Sep 2013, Philine Gaffron wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to run a spatial regression analysis using the errorsarlm
>> function in the sdpep package. I first ran into memory problems (on a
>> larger dataset than the one described below) but have adjusted the
>> memory size limit:
>>> memory.limit(size = 800000)
>> [1] 8e+05
> Which sets your memory limit under Windows to 781 Gb (size is in Mb) -
> that probably explains the error exit unless you have a lot of memory.
> Best avoid making any changes from the default in a fresh session
> unless you know exactly what you are doing.

I did up the virtual memory of the machine to 800Gb first (it has 1Tb in 
total and there is currently nothing else running on it) so I hope that 
that was not the problem. Thanks for the hint, though.

>> However, when I try to execute the following code in R Studio, I
>> receive the message "R Session aborted - R encountered a fatal error
>> - The session was terminated"
> Always rerun any code with problems outside R Studio, because it can
> interfere with the reporting of warnings and errors. Certainly
> errorsarlm() has no reason to cause R to crash - and this is what you
> are suggesting. If you can reproduce this outside R Studio, and
> without setting memory limits, I may need to see your data to try to
> reproduce any error exit from the R session.

I tried this and had no more crashes - especially after I made the 
changes suggested/outlined below

>>> ElDU.slm.PM25.white <- errorsarlm(PM_PM25 ~ race_white, data =
>>> ElDorado_urban, listw=ElDoU_listw)
> Did you read the advice on ?errorsarlm about the use of alternative
> methods, such as "LU" or "Matrix" for larger data sets? You are using
> the default "eigen" method, but this should certainly have worked for
> the modest n=2081. Can you reproduce the problem with a built-in data
> set, such as elect80?

I opted for the "LU" method and changed the weights style (see below). 
Is there any documentation that tells me the implications of using 
method ="LU"? I only found the note in the spdep documentation "LU_order 
default FALSE; used in “LU_prepermutate”, note warnings given for lu 
method" but nothing further. I did receive warnings in the output, 
though (for several but not all of my datasets) and I am not sure what 
they mean / what their implications are for the results. Do I need to 
choose another method? The warnings in every case were:

1: In powerWeights(W = W, rho = lambda, order = con$pWOrder, X = B,:
not converged within order iterations

2: In powerWeights(W = t(W), rho = lambda, order = con$pWOrder, X = C,:
not converged within order iterations

I have not tried reproducing the error with the built-in dataset but if 
that is of interest to you from the point of view of spdep development, 
I could give it a try.

>> The data was imported from an ArcGIS shape file:
>>> Parcels2008_inc_POP <- readOGR(".", "Parcels_2008_inc_pop")
>>> ElDorado_urban <- subset(Parcels2008_inc_POP, COUNTYFP10 == "017")
>> The subset contains data from 2081 polygons
>> The listw object was created as follows:
>>> Eld_U_coords <- coordinates(ElDorado_urban)
>>> Eld_U_IDs <- row.names(ElDorado_urban)
>>> ElDoU_nb <- dnearneigh(Eld_U_coords, d1 = 0, d2 = 492, row.names =
>>> Eld_U_IDs)
> Is 492 a well-chosen upper distance threshold? I assume that the input
> data are projected, so that these are measures in the units of the
> projection - metres? If Eld_U_coords are actually geographical
> coordinates, but longlat=NULL, d2 is taken as a planar measure, if you
> declare longlat=TRUE, it is in km. There is no easy way to trap
> undeclared geographical coordinates.

The distance thresholds are in feet 
(NAD_1983_StatePlane_California_II_FIPS_0402_Feet) and are related to 
dispersion distances for road traffic emissions. For explanation: my 
polygons are land use parcels for which I have calculated emission loads 
in grams/area from traffic loads on a road network. Since I am assuming 
a dispersion distance of 492 feet / 150 m of emissions away from the 
network in the example above, I am further assuming, that parcels which 
are within that distance of one another are affected by the same 
emission sources (i.e. traffic loads on the network).

>>> ElDoU_listw <- nb2listw(ElDoU_nb, glist=NULL, style="S",
>>> zero.policy=NULL)
> Does choosing a different style make a difference ("S" is not often
> used)?

I chose "S" as a variance stabilising coding schemes following Bivand, 
Pebesma et al. (2008), p. 253 but have now switched back to "W". Apart 
from the warnings cited above I encountered no more issues.

Thank you for your help and for making this package available.


> Roger
>> Is there anything inherent in my approach that could cause this
>> problem or would one need to look at the data? I include the session
>> info below.
>> Thanks for any help,
>> Philine
>>> sessionInfo()
>> R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
>> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>> locale:
>> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_United
>> States.1252 LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
>> [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
>> other attached packages:
>> [1] spdep_0.5-65 Matrix_1.0-12 lattice_0.20-15 rgdal_0.8-11 sp_1.0-13
>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>> [1] boot_1.3-9 coda_0.16-1 deldir_0.0-22 grid_3.0.1 LearnBayes_2.12
>> MASS_7.3-26 nlme_3.1-109 splines_3.0.1 tools_3.0.1
>>> library(help=spdep)
>> Information on package ?spdep?
>> Description:
>> Package: spdep
>> Version: 0.5-65
>> Date: 2013-09-04


*Philine**Gaffron PhD MLA BSc*

Fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

/Project 'Urban Transport and Environmental Justice' /

Visiting Researcher

Institute of Transportation Studies

University of California Davis

Davis, CA 95616

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