[R-sig-Geo] problem with extract() raster package using weight=TRUE
u.p at operamail.com
Tue Sep 17 14:10:34 CEST 2013
Hi everybody! I'm a new user, sorry for any kind of errors in posting :-).
I'm trying to use* extract()* from raster library to get data values from
netcdf file that are inside a shapefile.
I'm using rgdal library to manage shapefiles, and raster library to read
netcdf file (a very simple file).
This is the simple code:
> t500 <-raster("t500.nc")
> projection(t500)
[1] "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
> regioni <- readOGR(".", "ITA_adm1")
#ITA_adm1 from GADM database of Global Administrative Areas, shapefile
> summary(regioni)
Object of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
min max
x 6.630879 18.52069
y 35.492917 47.09096
Is projected: FALSE
proj4string :
[+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0]
> lombardia <-regioni[regioni$NAME_1=="Lombardia",]
> liguria <-regioni[regioni$NAME_1=="Liguria",]
Now, I extract values from netcdf file that fall into lombardia:
[1] 249.3597 249.3362 249.3284 249.9573 249.5706 249.5081 249.4065
[9] 250.2581 250.2151 250.1058 249.9964 249.9261 249.8831 249.8245
Now into liguria:
> extract(t500,liguria)
[1] 249.9729 250.3440 250.2269 250.1800 250.1331 250.0823 250.0198 249.9729
[9] 249.9573 249.9651 250.4026 250.3128 250.2425 250.1956 250.0862 250.0550
[17] 250.0628 250.1019 250.1487 250.4808 250.4222 250.3753 250.2737 250.2972
[25] 250.3284 250.7972 250.4495 250.4456 250.4495 250.4808 250.8362 250.6800
[33] 250.5940 250.5862 251.1409 251.0003 250.8753 250.8011 250.7894
Now I try to extract with weight enabled.
> extract(t500,lombardia,weight=T)
value weight
[1,] 249.4651 0.23
[2,] 249.3948 0.27
[3,] 249.8323 0.15
[4,] 249.8206 0.42
[5,] 249.8206 0.10
[6,] 249.4183 0.06
[7,] 249.3597 0.99
[8,] 249.3362 0.99
[9,] 249.3284 0.90
Nice one!
Now I do the same thing on the second shapefile:
> extract(t500,liguria,weight=T)
Error: identicalCRS(x, y) is not TRUE
That's the problem! I can extract from liguria netcdf values, but I cannot
extract them with weight.
Any suggestion?
Manymany thanks in advance!
View this message in context: http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.nabble.com/problem-with-extract-raster-package-using-weight-TRUE-tp7584665.html
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