[R-sig-Geo] KernelUD calculation - coordinates type / transformation from lat/long
galuardi at mit.edu
Mon Sep 16 22:21:24 CEST 2013
Hi Zuzana,
try this:
read in your data as 'dat'
Karea_xyUTM<- kernel.area(dat, id=rep('1', nrow(dat)))
20 0.001132550
25 0.001470329
30 0.001847845
35 0.002265101
40 0.002722095
45 0.003238697
50 0.003834776
55 0.004510333
60 0.005285235
65 0.006139616
70 0.007073473
75 0.008146416
80 0.009358443
85 0.010769164
90 0.012656748
95 0.015617275
# then
npoints = nrow(dat)
# convert to SpatialPoints
dat = SpatialPoints(dat, proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
#convert to UTM, be sure to include the zone. very important. This may
be worng for several of your points since the area is so large.
datUTM<- spTransform(dat, CRS("+proj=utm +zone=24 +ellps=WGS84
+datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"))
# do the area calculation using the new coordinates only. Be sure to
include names as a character. Leave out the 'h=' argument. That is where
your error was occurring.
Karea_xyUTM<- kernel.area(as.data.frame(datUTM), id=rep('1', npoints),
grid=500, unin ="m", unout = "km2")
20 135351.2
25 175756.6
30 219788.8
35 268222.6
40 322081.0
45 382727.9
50 452100.7
55 532989.0
60 625501.5
65 727065.3
70 840175.7
75 967684.5
80 1111777.1
85 1282512.1
90 1506315.1
95 1861067.6
This website is helpful
On 9/13/2013 10:58 AM, zuzana zajkova wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to calculate kernel areas using kernel.area function from
> adehabitat package.
> My original coordintes are in latidude/longitude. I suppose that as an
> input for the function the coordinates should be in other fomat - I assume
> it is UTM coordinates (seeing the example in help, I haven't found more
> information about it...). Therefore I converted the lat/long coordinates
> and calculated the area for various kernels. The problem is that it gives
> me the same area for all levels...
> ## sample of my data
>> dput(xy)structure(list(long = c(-32.73, -32.12, -31.39, -31.02, -32.16,
> -32.17, -32.06, -32.32, -32.58, -33.22, -32.85, -33.36, -33.37,
> -33.5, -34.76, -35.51, -34.39, -33.27, -32.65, -32.66, -34.41,
> -35.79, -34.29, -35.04, -34.67, -33.92, -34.54, -35.79, -34.66,
> -34.66, -35.91, -35.78, -38.15, -38.15, -36.89, -35.76, -35.75,
> -35.75, -35.62, -37.73, -36.72, -35.84, -36.71, -37.82, -37.06,
> -36.05, -36.91, -37.65, -37.51, -37.87, -37.36, -36.97, -38.08,
> -38.07, -37.05, -35.91, -35.14, -36.5, -36.48, -36.59, -36.82,
> -37.55, -36.16, -36.39, -37.49, -35.35, -35.83, -36.93, -36.66,
> -36.64, -36.49, -36.47, -36.45, -36.42, -36.27, -34.75, -34.85,
> -35.08, -33.8, -35.28, -35.25, -33.73, -33.7, -34.93, -35.28,
> -34, -33.6, -33.57, -33.55, -35.89, -35.99, -36.09, -36.56, -36.54,
> -37.13, -38.11, -39.2, -38.93, -38.53, -37.62, -37.35, -37.07,
> -36.54, -36.89, -36.74, -37.43, -37.78, -36, -36.1, -35.7, -35.93,
> -37.9, -37.5, -35.85, -37.07, -38.8, -38.77, -38.62, -37.72,
> -38.82, -38.67, -36.65, -36.37, -35.6, -35.7, -35.43, -35.66,
> -36.38, -36.86, -36.84, -34.95, -34.92, -36.65, -36.63, -36.24,
> -36.34, -34.95, -35.06, -36.16, -36.52, -36.01, -35.86, -35.47,
> -35.21, -34.94, -35.8, -34.54, -34.78, -36.26, -35, -34.74, -35.1,
> -34.72, -35.33, -35.32, -35.44, -35.05, -34.67, -35.16, -35.03,
> -32.77, -33.02, -31.76, -32.01, -34.38, -34.5, -33.25, -32.37,
> -31.37, -31.24, -32.12, -33.12, -33.12, -33.12, -33.62, -32.13,
> -31.5, -31.88, -31.01, -30.89, -30.4, -30.53, -31.54, -28.66,
> -29.01, -28.87, -29.35, -29.33, -29.31, -30.16, -30.64, -29.74,
> -29.47, -29.95, -29.92, -29.53, -29.88, -30.98, -30.58, -31.18
> ), complat = c(23.04, 20.44, 20.95, 21.12, 18.51, 16.92, 17.13,
> 16.98, 16.83, 17.73, 18.6, 19.77, 20.26, 20.43, 18.35, 17.56,
> 20.29, 20.45, 19.38, 19.86, 17.24, 16.8, 20.36, 22.54, 23.78,
> 23.64, 21.56, 21.99, 24.82, 25.71, 24.02, 22.57, 19.42, 17.01,
> 18.64, 18.82, 17.01, 16.92, 17.11, 18.97, 22.57, 22.72, 20.29,
> 20.46, 22.91, 22.31, 19.92, 19.84, 21.03, 21.19, 22.1, 22.26,
> 20.44, 19.35, 20.29, 20.46, 19.89, 21.54, 22.89, 23.05, 22.51,
> 22.9, 25.31, 26.11, 25.39, 22.87, 19.99, 20.18, 22, 21.95, 22.13,
> 22.07, 22.02, 21.98, 22.16, 21.2, 19.04, 19.01, 20.85, 23.06,
> 24.33, 23.43, 21.62, 22.48, 23.55, 22.21, 21.06, 21.48, 21.46,
> 22.99, 25.3, 25.48, 25.05, 24.62, 23.98, 24.39, 24.16, 23.31,
> 23.08, 22.86, 22.42, 22.42, 22.42, 23.08, 23.72, 17.87, 16.19,
> 18.6, 20.23, 20.48, 20.94, 19.12, 17.47, 18.68, 21.02, 20.59,
> 19.22, 19.48, 18.8, 16.65, 15.43, 17.92, 19.39, 19.89, 20.63,
> 21.13, 21.17, 20.75, 20.79, 21.3, 19.7, 17.8, 19.32, 21.27, 21.09,
> 20.43, 19.28, 17.59, 18.4, 19.7, 18.77, 18.58, 18.38, 18.45,
> 18.51, 16.76, 15.22, 13.08, 14.8, 18.08, 19.19, 18.49, 17.77,
> 16.5, 16.02, 15.82, 15.61, 15.41, 16.61, 17.52, 15.35, 11.89,
> 10.73, 8.28, 11.17, 13.99, 12.85, 12, 12.07, 11.2, 12.23, 12.31,
> 11.1, 11.18, 11.91, 14.56, 15.61, 14.76, 13.24, 12.34, 11.75,
> 10.81, 12.28, 13, 13.23, 13.99, 14.48, 14.96, 14.91, 13.55, 13.51,
> 14.79, 15.78, 14.71, 14.16, 14.38, 15.12, 14.32, 12.99, 11.64
> )), .Names = c("long", "complat"), row.names = c("48", "49",
> "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59", "60",
> "61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71",
> "72", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "80", "81", "82",
> "83", "84", "85", "86", "87", "88", "89", "90", "91", "92", "93",
> "94", "95", "96", "97", "98", "99", "100", "101", "102", "103",
> "104", "105", "106", "107", "108", "109", "110", "111", "112",
> "113", "114", "115", "116", "117", "118", "119", "120", "121",
> "122", "123", "124", "125", "126", "127", "128", "129", "130",
> "131", "132", "133", "134", "135", "136", "137", "138", "139",
> "140", "141", "142", "143", "144", "145", "146", "147", "148",
> "149", "150", "151", "152", "153", "154", "155", "156", "157",
> "158", "159", "160", "161", "162", "163", "164", "165", "166",
> "167", "168", "169", "170", "171", "172", "173", "174", "175",
> "176", "177", "178", "179", "180", "181", "182", "183", "184",
> "185", "186", "187", "188", "189", "190", "191", "192", "193",
> "194", "195", "196", "197", "198", "199", "200", "201", "202",
> "203", "204", "205", "206", "207", "208", "209", "210", "211",
> "212", "213", "214", "215", "216", "217", "218", "219", "220",
> "221", "222", "223", "224", "225", "226", "227", "228", "229",
> "230", "11310", "11410", "1154", "1161", "1171", "1181", "1191",
> "1201", "1211", "1221", "1231", "1241", "1251", "1261", "1271",
> "1281", "1291"), class = "data.frame")
>> head(xy) long complat
> 48 -32.73 23.04
> 49 -32.12 20.44
> 50 -31.39 20.95
> 51 -31.02 21.12
> 52 -32.16 18.51
> 53 -32.17 16.92
> ## create a matrix
> xy<- cbind(xy$long, xy$complat)
> ## convert to UTM coordinates
> ## my data are widely spread over the central Atlantic
> ## Ocean, so I think it is not possible to define the "zone"
> ## needs to be as dataframe for kernelarea
> xyUTM<-as.data.frame(project(xy, "+proj=utm ellps=WGS84"))
> ## calculate kernelarea
> kernLevels <- seq(5,95, by = 5)
> Karea_xyUTM<- kernel.area(xyUTM,id=NULL, h=1.8, grid=500,
> levels = kernLevels,
> unin ="m",
> unout = "km2")
> ## the results...
> Karea_xyUTM 1
> 5 4990969904
> 10 4990969904
> 15 4990969904
> 20 4990969904
> 25 4990969904
> 30 4990969904
> 35 4990969904
> 40 4990969904
> 45 4990969904
> 50 4990969904
> 55 4990969904
> 60 4990969904
> 65 4990969904
> 70 4990969904
> 75 4990969904
> 80 4990969904
> 85 4990969904
> 90 4990969904
> 95 4990969904
> I wuld appreciate a lot if anyone could check where the error is coming
> from.
> Thank you,
> Zuzana
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Benjamin Galuardi
PhD Student
NMFS-Seagrant Population Dynamics Fellow
SMAST, UMass Dartmouth
T: 978 283 0368
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