[R-sig-Geo] Problems with Kcross.inhom

David Villalobos avi3187 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 01:44:55 CET 2013

Thank you for your help Marcelino

2013/10/22, Marcelino de la Cruz <marcelino.delacruz at upm.es>:
> It seems that you get an estimate of lambda= 0.00000  for your ficus
> point #2. Kinhom can only be estimated when lambda > 0 in all points.
> I would use either another sigma for bandwith estimation or set the
> argument leaveoneout=FALSE.
> Cheers,
> Marcelino
> El 22/10/2013 14:37, David Villalobos escribió:
>> Hi Rolf and Julia
>> Many thanks for your help, I appreciate that. I am sorry for the
>> inconvenient, I am new in these things.
>> Just to clarify, my window is complex because is created from a
>> "shapefile" that delimit my study area.  This study area (called "W" in
>> the analysis) have the spatial locations of my data ("ficus" and
>> "tienda").
>> With the purpose of reproduce the analysis and try to find the problem,
>> in the attachment documents you can find the "shapefile" of my study
>> area, a "txt" document of my data and my R script (Kcrossinhom(DV)).
>> Again, I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
>> Cheers
>> 2013/10/21 Julia Chacon Labella <juliachacon at gmail.com
>> <mailto:juliachacon at gmail.com>>
>>     Yes, I tried to reproduced your example, and I didn´t have any
>>     problem. Have you check how are your lambdas?? Why are you using "at
>>     points" instead of the default "by pixel"??
>>     It seems that could be the lambda values what is wrong. Try to
>>     visualized them, and try with the pixel image.
>>     Other option is to built a new window for your pattern. How did you
>>     built it?
>>     2013/10/22 Rolf Turner <r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
>>     <mailto:r.turner at auckland.ac.nz>>
>>         Again, your problem is not reproducible.  We do not have the
>> objects
>>         "north", "west", "W" and "tipo" which are necessary to duplicate
>>         your
>>         steps.
>>         I tried to reproduce your problem with an artificial example:
>>         W <- owin(c(0,3350),c(0,6150))
>>         set.seed(42)
>>         Z <- runifpoint(201,win=W)
>>         m <- sample(rep(c("ficus","tienda")__,c(131,70)),201)
>>         marks(Z) <- factor(m)
>>         ff <- with(split(Z),bw.diggle(ficus)__)
>>         tt <- with(split(Z),bw.diggle(__tienda))
>>         lambdaf <- with(split(Z),density(ficus,__ff,at="points"))
>>         lambdat <- with(split(Z),density(tienda,__tt,at="points"))
>>         K <- Kcross.inhom(Z,"ficus","__tienda",lambdaf,lambdat)
>>         No problema.
>>         It is possible that the error has something to do with the
>>         rather intricate
>>         (1716 vertices) boundary of your observation window.  However
>>         since I don't
>>         have that window I can't tell.
>>         cheers,
>>         Rolf Turner
>>         On 10/22/13 10:16, david.villalobos wrote:
>>             Sure Julia,
>>             First:
>>             I have the following object called "Z"
>>                 Z <- ppp(north, west,window=W,marks=tipo)
>>                 summary(Z)
>>             Marked planar point pattern: 201 points
>>             Average intensity 4.46e-05 points per square unit
>>             Coordinates are integers
>>             i.e. rounded to the nearest 1 unit
>>             Multitype:
>>                      frequency proportion intensity
>>             ficus        131      0.652  2.90e-05
>>             tienda        70      0.348  1.55e-05
>>             Window: polygonal boundary
>>             single connected closed polygon with 1716 vertices
>>             enclosing rectangle: [484546.8, 487897.4] x [1147521.3,
>>             1153682.9] units
>>             Window area =  4509680 square units
>>             Second:
>>             I calculated the bandwidth sigma for the kernel estimator of
>>             point process
>>             intensity with a Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for
>>             Kernel Density
>>             (bw.diggle)
>>                 attach(split(Z))
>>                 f<-bw.diggle(ficus)
>>                 t<-bw.diggle(tienda)
>>             Third:
>>             I calculated with the Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Point
>> Pattern
>>             (density.ppp) the values of the the estimated intensity of
>>             the sub-process
>>             of points of type i and j:
>>                 lambdaf<-density.ppp(ficus,f,__at="points")
>>                 lambdat<-density.ppp(tienda,t,__at="points")
>>             and Finally:
>>             I ran the script for Kcross.inhom for the method (1):
>>             estimate intensities
>>             by nonparametric smoothing, but I had the error.
>>                 K <- Kcross.inhom(Z, "ficus", "tienda", lambdaf, lambdat)
>>             Error in Kwtsum(dclose, bI, weight, b, 1/lambdaI, breaks) :
>>                 Weights in K-function were infinite or NA
>>             I tryed the method (2): leave-one-out, but I had the same
>>             problems
>>             Any help is appreciated. A lot of thanks.
>>             --
>>             View this message in context:
>> http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.__nabble.com/Problems-with-__Kcross-inhom-__tp7584914p7584920.html
>> <http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.nabble.com/Problems-with-Kcross-inhom-tp7584914p7584920.html>
>>             Sent from the R-sig-geo mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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>>     --
>>     Julia
>> --
>> Saludos
>> David Villalobos Chaves
>> Maestría Académica en Biología
>> Universidad de Costa Rica
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David Villalobos Chaves
Maestría Académica en Biología
Universidad de Costa Rica

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