[R-sig-Geo] Kriging and datum shifts

Jeroen Steenbeek drmbongo at gmail.com
Mon May 27 16:50:34 CEST 2013

Dear list,

I am converting NetCDF data, placed on a global grid with irregular 
latitude values, to a regular WGS84 grid using IDW. It works, but I have 
one remaining issue for which I can use advice.

The original data is oriented -280, +80 longitude, and it needs to be 
interpolated to -180, 180 longitude. How do I do this with the Spatial* 
classes? I can do this either before interpolation on the original 
SpatialPointsDataFrame that is read from the NetCDF files, or I can 
perform this shift on the SpatialGridDataFrame resulting from the IDW 
operation. But how to do this in R? spCBind sounds like a good 
candidate, but will this correctly handle the georeferencing?

Thanks in advance,

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