[R-sig-Geo] Spatially autocorrelated random effects in logistic regression.

Andrew Finley finleya at msu.edu
Thu May 16 04:12:02 CEST 2013

Hi Hugh,
Check out spGLM in the spBayes package. This should do what you need.  
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Quoting Hugh Sturrock <hughsturrock at hotmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to model binomial data (infection status) of people  
> living in households. I have run a logistic regression with a  
> household level random effect to account for correlation between  
> individuals within households. When I look at the value of the
> effect (intercept) at each household there appears to be residual  
> spatial autocorrelation (using Moran's I and semivariograms) between

> households. I would like to repeat the analyses accounting for this  
> spatial autocorrelation between households, i.e. between random  
> effects. I'm not a mathematician  but having done some reading it  
> seems as if this can't be done using the command glmmPQL in MASS,
> perhaps can be done using the geoRglm package. BUT, having read  
> through the geoRglm vignette, I'm still pretty clueless as to how to

> code such a model. If anyone could give me an example I would be  
> MASSIVELY appreciative.
> Thanks!Hugh
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