[R-sig-Geo] drawing order in spplot and Line width in sp maps

Mikhail Titov mlt at gmx.us
Sat Mar 30 06:12:12 CET 2013

Hi, All!

I know I'm excavating an old thread[1] (and top posting) but that is
exactly what bugs me.

I am surprised to see that I can't pass lwd directly to spplot's main
plot and not extra layouts. I can pass lwd to sp.polygons but not to
spplot directly :( Here is an incomplete snippet showing what I've tried

,----[ How do I change line width of shp polygons supplied to spplot? ]
| spplot(shp, names(d), col="grey80", lwd=5, cuts=5,
| #        par.settings = simpleTheme(lwd=3),
|       par.settings = list(superpose.polygon = list(lwd=5)),
|        panel = function(...) {
| #          panel.polygonsplot(..., lwd=3)
|          panel.polygonsplot(...)
|          sp.panel.layout(list(l.wshd, l.streams, l.struc))
|          if (panel.number()==1) {
|            sp.panel.layout(list(l.north, l.scale.bar, l.scale.text))
|          }
|        },
|        colorkey = list(
|          labels=list(
|            at = labelat,
|            labels = labeltext
|            )
|          ),
|        names.attr=droplevels(unique(rest$case)),
|        col.regions=rev(greens(14, .6))[-1])#rev(heat.colors(100)))

I see that lwd for my layouts apply well, e.g., for l.wshd & l.streams
in the example above. However I can't seem to figure out how to make shp
lines thinner. I do have several variables to plot on a few panels.

Did I miss something?

P.S. Not quite related question but how does levelplot (?) estimates
color scale labels? If I leave colorkey alone, I get misplaced labels
provided cuts=5. For now, I do something like

,----[ Dirty fix for ticks & label alignment ]
| dd.rng <- range(unlist(dd), finite=TRUE)
| delta <- diff(dd.rng)
| labelat <- seq(dd.rng[1] - delta*.07, dd.rng[2] + delta*.07, length.out=7)
| labeltext <- format(exp(labelat), digits=2)

I feel like there is almost a standard function for that but I can't
recall its name. Would you mind reminding if there is any?

On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at  2:47 AM, "Edzer J. Pebesma" <e.pebesma at geo.uu.nl> wrote:
> Duncan Golicher wrote:
>> Great. Thanks so much. It was obvious really.
>> You also seem to have come up with one solution to the line width 
>> question asked a couple of days ago,  as this works.
>> spplot(chisgrid, "dem", panel = function(x,y, ...){
>>     panel.gridplot(x,y,...)
>>     sp.polygons(municipios, col=1,fill=0,lwd=3,lty=2)
>>     })
> Yes, or:
> spplot(chisgrid, "dem", sp.layout=list("sp.polygons", municipios, col=1, 
> fill=0, lwd=3, lty=2, first=F))

[1]  https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2006-July/001174.html


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