[R-sig-Geo] addition information to my previous question

Amen Alyaari amen.alyaari at bordeaux.inra.fr
Tue Mar 19 13:58:21 CET 2013


Now I know where is exactly the problem, it is when I use sd(standard 
deviation) as  a function instead of mean
> movi <-  overlay(stack(saf),fun=function(x) movingFun(x, fun=mean, 
> n=3,  na.rm=TRUE)) ####  worked well
     sd <-  overlay(stack(saf),fun=function(x) movingFun(x, fun=sd, n=3, 
  na.rm=TRUE)) ####  did not work!!!!

Any idea please on how to resolve it because I need both sd and mean

Amen Alyaari, UPMC
PhD student
Unit of Functional Ecology&  Environmental Physics [EPHYSE]
National Institute of Agricultural Research [INRA].
71, Avenue Edouard Bourlaux
33140 Villenave d'Ornon
Téléphone : +33(0) 5 57 12 24 27
Fax : +33 (0)5 57 12 24 20

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