[R-sig-Geo] Memory...
Giuseppe Amatulli
giuseppe.amatulli at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 22:26:03 CET 2013
Ciao Maurizio
- Try to build up your table outside R and enter in R just with the
columns/rows that you need.
- If you are fitting the model use y=resp , x=prdictors rather others
formulas (e.g.: y ~ )
- Every time that you delate a file rm() use gc() to reallocate memory
- Bash and awk can handling large data set, and can be useful for
preselecting columns and row and also for making some basic
statistical analyse ( see
http://www.spatial-ecology.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:geo_tools :
Dealing with simple statistic in large txt file )
- You can also sampling your data adding a random column with awk and
make an if condition
awk '{ if ( rand() > 0.5) print $1 }' input.txt > output.txt
check for more examples and issues how use rand() & srand()
- Sorting/ranking action are very demanding in R so try to do in bash.
- Should be possible to use the swap from R but it will became extremely slow.
Giuseppe Amatulli
Web: www.spatial-ecology.net
On 7 March 2013 05:29, Maurizio Marchi <mauriziomarchi85 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have to calculate some new columns in a data frame with 1971000 lines adding
> 57 new columns but R crashes every time...
> I think it's a problem of memory allocation, so I would like to know how I
> can change the memory settings...
> I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit
> Thanks,
> --
> Maurizio Marchi
> ID skype: maurizioxyz
> *Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)*
> *"Il bello dell'open-source è che le domande possono essere poste alla
> fonte"*
> *utente linux 552.742*
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Giuseppe Amatulli
Web: www.spatial-ecology.net
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