[R-sig-Geo] eastings/northings to long/lat

vikram ranga babuawara at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 11:21:24 CET 2013

Hi Ross,
which projection does it have??
I think it can be done using spTransform but for that you need to
provide projection info.

This code might be useful
# need library (rgdal) and (sp).
coordinates(a)= ~easting + northing
proj4string(a)<-CRS("Need projection info here")
# use spTransform now
a1<-spTranform(a,CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=....."))
coordinates(a1) #would yield longlat info



On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Ross Ahmed <rossahmed at googlemail.com> wrote:
> I have these eastings and northings:
> easting <- c(626550, 583550, 584083, 584550, 518437)
> northing <- c(169550, 172550, 173989, 169550, 160768)
> Is there a way to convert to long/lat in R? Attempts to code through
> googling have failed.
> Thanks
> Ross
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