[R-sig-Geo] for loop with kde (ks package) function not working
kathryn.lee1 at students.mq.edu.au
Mon Mar 4 04:27:43 CET 2013
Hi all,
I am trying to run a for loop 1000 times to randomly sample spatial points
and then pass these coordinates to the kde function in the 'ks' package.
When I look at the output from the random selection of points that code
seems to be working fine (i.e. each iteration of the for loop produces
different values). However, when I look at the results from the kde function
the first two outputs are different and then each iteration after that just
produces the exact same values. I've posted a simplified example of my code
(simulating data instead of running through the random selection process)
but it produces the same errors when I look at the results. I'm sure I'm
missing something really obvious I'm just not sure where to look.
Many thanks
setwd("/Users/kalee/Documents/Feb 2013/")
for (i in 1:5 ) {
x <- sample(-300:250, 100, replace = TRUE)
y <- sample(-30:50, 100, replace = TRUE)
xy <- cbind(x, y)
ID <- sample(1:22, 100, replace = TRUE)
dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(ID, xy))
dat$X2 <- jitter(dat$x)
dat$Y2 <- jitter(dat$y)
idh <- split(dat, list(dat$ID), drop = TRUE)
y <- lapply(idh, "[", c('X2','Y2'))
x <- Filter(function (t) nrow(unique(t)) > 5, y)
myfun1<- function(x, k) {
H.s <- Hpi(x[[k]], binned = TRUE)
KDE <- kde(x[[k]], H=H.s, binned = TRUE)
cont <- contourSizes(KDE, cont = c(95), approx = TRUE)
results95 <- rep(0, length(unique(x)))
for (j in 1:length(results95)) results95[j] <- myfun1(x, j)
z <- as.matrix(x)
m <- dimnames(z)
l <-list(m[[1]], results95)
write.csv(l, file = paste("blues_function test",i,".csv"))
Example of results:
Iteration 1:
1 1 22659.13004
2 2 26688.41093
3 3 19403.62449
4 4 26710.38738
5 9 18968.71687
6 11 31870.62336
7 19 11019.08475
8 22 4163.867828
Iteration 2:
1 3 34613.00041
2 4 32962.57106
3 8 21379.64701
4 12 29499.05166
5 14 12065.95155
6 16 26973.81732
7 18 23929.58449
Iteration 3 onwards:
1 3 34613.00041
2 4 32962.57106
3 8 21379.64701
4 12 29499.05166
5 14 12065.95155
6 16 26973.81732
7 18 23929.58449
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