[R-sig-Geo] How to extract the index (i, j) row and column from a raster?

Lionel Hertzog s6lihert at uni-bonn.de
Wed Jun 19 13:00:01 CEST 2013

The easiest way is to use the function 'values' which return the values 
of a raster row by row:



On 19/06/2013 12:42, Alex wrote:
> Please, I would like to create a file with the following information from a
> raster:
> - The position (i, j) of each cell, and the value represented in pixel.
> Composing a matrix X, Y, Z.
> At the end, I have the intention to turn this array into a polygon
> shapefile.
> Is there any function for this in R?
> I thank you,
> Alex Santos
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