[R-sig-Geo] lapply and SpatialGridDataFrame
MacQueen, Don
macqueen1 at llnl.gov
Wed Jan 30 22:54:13 CET 2013
This should help you get started:
floodfiles <- list.files(pattern=".txt")
maxdepths <- list()
length(maxdepths) <- length(floodfiles)
for(i in seq(along=floodfiles)) {
maxdepths[[i]] <- readAsciiGrid(floodfiles[i])}
Of course it overwrites. You are assigning the result of readAsciiGrid to
the same object each time.
I believe you would find it helpful to study the basics of R some more.
For example, the difference between [i] and [[i]] is crucial to this
I added the cat() statement so that later on, when something fails as you
loop through the files, it will be obvious which input file had the
Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-627
Livermore, CA 94550
On 1/30/13 11:36 AM, "Irucka Embry" <iruckaE at mail2world.com> wrote:
>Hi all, Roger Bivand - thank-you for your assistance.
>I have attempted to write a for loop to create an object named maxdepth
>(see str(maxdepth)), but the loop overwrites the previous iteration.
>Although I have 54 files that I will be processing, I am attempting this
>for loop with only the first 2 files. I have searched online for a
>solution to this problem, but I have not been successful in finding one
>Can someone offer a suggestion on how to fix the problem?
>Irucka Embry
>floodfiles <- list.files(pattern=".txt")
>for(i in seq(along=floodfiles)) {
>maxdepth <- readAsciiGrid(floodfiles[i])
>Formal class 'SpatialGridDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 4 slots
>..@ data :'data.frame': 265472 obs. of 1 variable:
>.. ..$ MaxFloodDepth_2.txt: num [1:265472] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
>..@ grid :Formal class 'GridTopology' [package "sp"] with 3 slots
>.. .. ..@ cellcentre.offset: num [1:2] 356766 3936098
>.. .. ..@ cellsize : num [1:2] 22.9 22.9
>.. .. ..@ cells.dim : int [1:2] 976 272
>..@ bbox : num [1:2, 1:2] 356755 3936087 379079 3942308
>.. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
>.. .. ..$ : NULL
>.. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "min" "max"
>..@ proj4string:Formal class 'CRS' [package "sp"] with 1 slots
>.. .. ..@ projargs: chr NA
><-----Original Message----->
>>From: Roger Bivand [Roger.Bivand at nhh.no]
>>Sent: 1/29/2013 2:07:32 AM
>>To: iruckaE at mail2world.com
>>Cc: r-sig-geo at r-project.org
>>Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] lapply and SpatialGridDataFrame
>>On Tue, 29 Jan 2013, Irucka Embry wrote:
>>> Hi Don MacQueen, I want to thank you for your response.
>>> I received assistance from the main R help mailing list with this
>>> suggestion: maxdepth.plys <- lapply(modeldepthsmore, function(x)
>>> Grid2Polygons(x, level = FALSE)).
>>You posted to the second list when nobody replied within two hours -
>>of us sleep at some time of the day. The two replies are equivalent,
>>both indicate that either you didn't read the documentation of lapply,
>>didn't understand what you read.
>>> I have not allowed that code suggestion or your suggestion to
>>> all 54 polygons because it has taken too long. Thus I thought about
>>> revising the code that you provided me to save each polygon to a file
>>> that I can know which files have been completed and which ones have
>>> been yet.
>>Wrong, you mean object, not file. You also need to learn about trapping
>>errors. Simplify what you are doing as a loop, as most of this is
>>confusing because you've written it in a confusing way (don't write a
>>single line function, it is pointless). In addition, you have not said
>>what you are actually doing.
>>You are reading 54 ASCII Grid files into SpatialGridDataFrame objects,
>>then using Grid2Polygons in the Grid2Polygons package to make a simple
>>conversion of each input grid cell (pixel) to a Polygons object. The
>>output SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects are simple copies of the input,
>>you do not use the functionality of Grid2Polygons to aggregate to
>>of pixels; you could use coercion in sp instead.
>>However, in your message to R-help, you showed that your goal was to
>>BayesX. So is your actual aim to stack 54 rasters (possibly 54 time
>>periods???), create a single set of SpatialPolygons, output to
>>read in through the functions in BayesX (which are not based on sp
>>- had they been, you wouldn't need to write out and read in again),
>>run some space-time analysis?
>>Or are the 54 grids all different - in which case get your whole
>>functioning with a single raster first, and then iterate that in a
>>storing results in a list. If your raster has many cells, you may find
>>that the time it takes to run BayesX makes the time taken to convert
>>SpatialGrid -> SpatialPolygons very small, but then again, it could be
>>use of Grid2Polygons when its advanced features are not needed:
>>> library(Grid2Polygons)
>>> GT <- GridTopology(c(0.5, 0.5), c(1,1), c(100, 100))
>>> SGDF <- SpatialGridDataFrame(GT, data=data.frame(x=runif(10000)))
>>> system.time(G2P <- Grid2Polygons(SGDF, level=FALSE))
>> user system elapsed
>> 36.129 0.832 37.013
>>> system.time(SPDF <- as(SGDF, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"))
>> user system elapsed
>> 2.875 0.043 2.945
>>If the SpatialGridDataFrame objects all share the same GridTopology,
>>should make a single SpatialGridDataFrame in a loop, or a single
>>RasterBrick or RasterStack in the raster package, and go from there.
>>your proposed workflow is so opaque that helping you fix lapply isn't
>>going to move you forward at all.
>>You must think through your workflow carefully - it is very possible
>>you can create the BayesX bnd object directly from the GridTopology of
>>input data, without any intermediate SpatialPolygons objects or
>>shapefiles. The authors of BayesX would have done everyone a big favour
>>they had supported sp and spacetime classes, for example by coercion -
>>spatstat is a good example of how to use both sp and package-specific
>>classes, and possibly used facilities in sp and spacetime for
>>> I have tried to update the previous R code to save each output file
>to a
>>> folder:
>>> library(maptools)
>>> library(Grid2Polygons)
>>> readfunct <- function(x)
>>> {
>>> u <- readAsciiGrid(x)
>>> }
>>> modfilesmore <- paste0("MaxFloodDepth_", 1:54, ".txt")
>>> modeldepthsmore <- lapply(modfilesmore, readfunct)
>>> myfolder <- paste0("/MaxFloodDepthImages/MaxFloodDepthPolygon_",
>>> maxdepth.plys <- lapply(modeldepthsmore, Grid2Polygons, level=FALSE,
>>> cat, file = "myfolder", append = TRUE)
>>> Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
>>> unused argument(s) (file = "myfolder", append = TRUE)
>>> <-----Original Message----->
>>>> From: MacQueen, Don [macqueen1 at llnl.gov]
>>>> Sent: 1/28/2013 12:34:56 PM
>>>> To: iruckaE at mail2world.com;r-sig-geo at r-project.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] lapply and SpatialGridDataFrame
>>>> I suspect you're not passing arguments correctly to lapply()
>>>> I'd try
>>>> maxdepth.plys <- lapply(modeldepthsmore, Grid2Polygons, level=FALSE)
>>>> -Don
>>>> --
>>>> Don MacQueen
>>>> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
>>>> 7000 East Ave., L-627
>>>> Livermore, CA 94550
>>>> 925-423-1062
>>>> On 1/27/13 2:47 AM, "Irucka Embry" <iruckaE at mail2world.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all, I have a set of 54 files that I need to convert from ASCII
>>> grid
>>>>> format to .shp files to .bnd files for BayesX.
>>>>> I have the following R code to operate on those files:
>>>>> library(maptools)
>>>>> library(Grid2Polygons)
>>>>> readfunct <- function(x)
>>>>> {
>>>>> u <- readAsciiGrid(x)
>>>>> }
>>>>> modfilesmore <- paste0("MaxFloodDepth_", 1:54, ".txt")
>>>>> modeldepthsmore <- lapply(modfilesmore, readfunct)
>>>>> maxdepth.plys <- lapply(modeldepthsmore,
>>> Grid2Polygons(modeldepthsmore,
>>>>> level = FALSE))
>>>>> layers <- paste0("examples/floodlayers_", 1:54)
>>>>> writePolyShape(maxdepth.plys, layers)
>>>>> shpName <- sub(pattern="(.*)\\.dbf", replacement="\\1",
>>>>> x=system.file("examples/Flood/layer_.dbf", package="BayesX"))
>>>>> floodmaps <- shp2bnd(shpname=shpName, regionnames="SP_ID")
>>>>> ## draw the map
>>>>> drawmap(map=floodmaps)
>>>>> This is the error message that I receive:
>>>>>> maxdepth.plys <- lapply(modeldepthsmore,
>>>>> Grid2Polygons(modeldepthsmore, level = FALSE))
>>>>> Error in Grid2Polygons(modeldepthsmore, level = FALSE) :
>>>>> Grid object not of class SpatialGridDataFrame
>>>>> Can someone assist me in modifying the R code so that I can convert
>>> the
>>>>> set of files to .shp files?
>>>>> Thank-you.
>>>>> Irucka Embry
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>>Roger Bivand
>>Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics,
>>Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
>>voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
>>e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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