[R-sig-Geo] Block spatiotemporal kriging with separable covariance model

Edzer Pebesma edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de
Sun Jan 13 21:17:53 CET 2013

On 01/13/2013 08:48 PM, Piero Campalani wrote:
> Dear Edzer,
> thanks for the help.
> Is block-kriging possible with this kind of covariance model, or is it just
> not implemented in the `spacetime` package?

it is just not implemented.

> On 13 January 2013 18:31, Edzer Pebesma <edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de>wrote:
>>> I saw examples of block kriging when using a 3D metric kriging, with
>>> rescaled time axis, so that a parallelepiped can be set in the krige()
>>> function.
>> I'd call it a rectangle.
> ..why would you? Wouldn't you have a 3D xyt block ?

yes, but with right angles.

I don't know what you saw, with the 3D metric model. Specifying a block
in gstat with block = c(dx, dy, dz), you get a rectangular block.

You can estimate block means for arbitrary shapes when you specify a
polygon (only 2D), or a set of points (1, 2 or 3D) that discretizes your
shape, but I've never actually seen people trying to do this for

Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster
Weseler Straße 253, 48151 Münster, Germany. Phone: +49 251
8333081, Fax: +49 251 8339763  http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de
http://www.52north.org/geostatistics      e.pebesma at wwu.de

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